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Searching for transclusion link yields spurious options #58

Open aharonium opened 7 years ago

aharonium commented 7 years ago

The scholar of Jewish liturgy, Ruth Langer (Boston College), provides a term for a form of Jewish liturgy comprised of verses from the TaNaKh. She calls it "centos."

One common cento is the one for Ashrei which is comprised of Psalms 84:5 followed by 144:15. Other common centos include Yehi Kavod (in Psukei Dezimrah) and the concluding verses at the end of Birkat Hamazon.

While creating the text to link to the outline I made for Ashrei, I failed to create a transclusion link for the cento for Psalms 145. While searching for Psalms 84:5 in the Link Properties form, a search for "תהלים פד" produced a lot of findings with the word תהלים but not one with תהלים פד, alas.

Not clear on how to create text made up of transclusion links.

EfraimFeinstein commented 7 years ago

The problem is that the way we're determining relevance in search results is pretty dismal.

Workarounds: (1) put your search term in quotes: "תהילים פד" (2) Biblical books are also known by their translated names, so "Psalms 84" would also work in the search. Relevance currently works better in English than Hebrew.