opensim-org / opensim-gui

SimTK OpenSim graphical user interface and distribution.
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 32 forks source link

Building on Windows following appveyor in powershell #1261

Closed spahrm closed 2 years ago

spahrm commented 3 years ago

Environment and GUI version

cloned the latest master version of the GUI (commit id: fc62aad5ce7ef3d9c60f108f7b0a05fb3c0dfc09)

Steps to reproduce

git clone

Followed the Appveyor.yml steps within powershell:

$env:JAVA_HOME = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0" $env:ANT_HOME = "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\extide\ant" $env:OPENSIM_HOME = "C:/OpenSimRelease210124" $env:PATH = "$env:JAVA_HOME/bin;$env:OPENSIM_HOME/bin;$env:PATH"

Downloaded and installed Netbeans 8.2 ( Installed OpenSim Release Version to "C:/OpenSimRelease210124"

git submodule update --init --recursive -- opensim-models opensim-visualizer Gui/opensim/threejs mkdir ../build cd ../build cmake ../opensim-gui -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\OpenSimRelease210124 -DANT_ARGS="-Dnbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=C:/Program Files/NetBeans 8.2;-Dnbplatform.default.harness.dir=C:/Program Files/NetBeans 8.2/harness"

cmake --build . --target CopyOpenSimCore --config Release BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds

cmake --build . --target CopyModels --config Release BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds

cmake --build . --target PrepareInstaller --config Release

Expected result

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds

Actual result

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

  Merge GUI build and opensim-core install into one folder.
  Buildfile: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build.xml




























  Scanning for modules in C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\ide
  Scanning for modules in C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\platform
  Scanning for modules in suite C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim













       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for






























       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.jfree






























       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for
























     [depend] Deleted 860 out of date files in 1 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 825 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\modeling\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] 1 warning


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-modeling.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.modeling

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.logger: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-modeling.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-modeling.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 3 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\logger\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-logger.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.logger






































  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.updater

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.utils: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3, module org.openide.filesystems.nb, module org.openide.filesystems.compat8] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities, Separation of desktop and cleanup] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-logger.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-logger.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.openide.options has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.openide.options has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 5 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\build\classes\org\opensim\utils\SliderPropertyEditor.class appears to be stale, rebuilding all module sources
   [nb-javac] Compiling 28 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\swingui\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]       fileList.setModel(listModel);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\swingui\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addElement(E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]            listModel.addElement(fileName1);
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\swingui\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]       fileList.setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel() {
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\swingui\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to set(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]          listModel.set(currentSelectedIndex, fileName.getFileName());
   [nb-javac]                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\swingui\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addElement(E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]       listModel.addElement("Unassigned");
   [nb-javac]                           ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\src\org\opensim\utils\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to getDeclaredMethod(String,Class<?>...) as a member of the raw type Class
   [nb-javac]             Method openURL = fileMgr.getDeclaredMethod("openURL",
   [nb-javac]                                                       ^
   [nb-javac] 6 warnings
       [copy] Copying 16 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\utils\build\classes


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-utils.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.utils

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.helputils: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-utils.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-utils.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 24 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 14 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBox1.setModel(cbModel);
   [nb-javac]                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addElement(E) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]                 cbModel.addElement(typeNames.getitem(i));
   [nb-javac]                                   ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             aboutRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             OpenSimRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                          ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             DARPARef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             NCSRRRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             SimTKRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             NIHRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\helpUtils\src\org\opensim\helputils\helpmenu\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to WeakReference(T) as a member of the raw type WeakReference
   [nb-javac]             SimbiosRef = new WeakReference(ret);
   [nb-javac]                          ^
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class WeakReference
   [nb-javac] 9 warnings


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-helputils.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.helputils
























     [depend] Deleted 1 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\visualizationServer\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.NbBundleProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.ServiceProviderProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.NamedServiceProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.awt.ActionProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.proc.StaticResourceProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.filesystems.declmime.MIMEResolverProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.nodes.NodesAnnotationProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.editor.mimelookup.CreateRegistrationProcessor' less than -source '1.8' [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] 9 warnings


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-eclipse-jetty.jar




       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.eclipse.jetty

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.view: added = [module org.netbeans.api.progress.compat8 > 1.40, module org.netbeans.api.templates > 1.0, module org.netbeans.api.progress.nb > 1.40, module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3, module org.openide.filesystems.nb, module org.openide.filesystems.compat8] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities, Separation of desktop and cleanup, Swing dependencies split away, Templates API has been separated into its own module.] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-eclipse-jetty.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-eclipse-jetty.jar, C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\visualizationServer\release\modules\ext\jetty-all-9.3.3.v20150827-uber.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.openide.options has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.openide.options has been deprecated
CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : org.opensim.view lacks a unit test dependency on org.netbeans.libs.junit4; using default dependencies for compatibility [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]







     [depend] The class org.opensim.view.base.StreamGobbler in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\build\classes\org\opensim\view\base\StreamGobbler.class is out of date due to org.opensim.view.base.StreamGobbler but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.view.editors.ObjectPropertyViewerTreeTable in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\build\classes\org\opensim\view\editors\ObjectPropertyViewerTreeTable.class is out of date due to org.opensim.view.editors.OpenSimObjectModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] Deleted 477 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\build\classes\org\opensim\view\base\StreamGobbler.class appears to be stale, rebuilding all module sources
   [nb-javac] Compiling 291 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\view\actions\ warning: Should explicitly specify lazy attribute
   [nb-javac] public final class MRUFilesAction extends CallableSystemAction {
   [nb-javac]              ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("uuid", uuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("type", "Group");
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("opensimType", "Frame");
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("userData", "NonEditable");
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("name", body.getAbsolutePathString());
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(bodyXform, vec3Unit, modelJson.getVisScaleFactor()));
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         geomJson.put("uuid", uuidForComGeometry.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         geomJson.put("type", "SphereGeometry");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         geomJson.put("radius", 25);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("uuid", mat_uuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("name", "ComMat");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("type", "MeshPhongMaterial");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("shininess", 30);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("transparent", true);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("color", colorString);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         mat_json.put("side", 2);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("uuid", comObjectUUID.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("type", "Mesh");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("name", "Com");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("opensimType", "ModelCom");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("geometry", comGeometryUUID.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("material", comMaterialUUID.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(localTransform, new Vec3(1.), 
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("castShadow", true);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("visible", showCom);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("Op", "Frame");
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("Transforms", geomTransforms_json);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                         oneGeomXform_json.put("uuid", uuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]                                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                         oneGeomXform_json.put("matrix", 
   [nb-javac]                                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                         geomTransforms_json.add(oneGeomXform_json);
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pathGeomJson.put("uuid", uuidForPathGeomGeometry.toString());
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pathGeomJson.put("type", "PathGeometry");
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pathGeomJson.put("radius", actualMuscleDisplayRadius);
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pathGeomJson.put("name", path.getAbsolutePathString()+"Control");
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]         pathpoint_jsonArr.add(pointJson);
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                 pathpoint_jsonArr.add(bpptInBodyJson);
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                                 bpptInBodyJson.put("parent", retrieveUuidFromJson(modelGroundJson).toString());
   [nb-javac]                                                   ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                                 pathpoint_jsonArr.add(bpptInBodyJson);
   [nb-javac]                                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                 pathpoint_jsonArr.add(bpptInBodyJson);
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                 pathpoint_uuid_jsonArr.add(retrieveUuidFromJson((JSONObject) pathpoint_jsonArr.get(ppindex)).toString());
   [nb-javac]                                           ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pathGeomJson.put("segments", pathpoint_jsonArr.size()-1); 
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("uuid", uuidToReuse.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("type", "GeometryPath");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("name", path.getAbsolutePathString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("points", pathpoint_jsonArr);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("geometry", uuidForPathGeomGeometry.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("opensimType", "Path");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("material", pathmat_uuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("PathGeometry",pathGeomJson);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("ground", retrieveUuidFromJson(modelGroundJson).toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         pointJson.put("parent", bodyJson.get("uuid"));
   [nb-javac]                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         modelGroundJson.put("children", bodies_json);
   [nb-javac]                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]             bodies_json.add(bodyJson);
   [nb-javac]                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("uuid", groundUuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("type", "Group");
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("opensimType", "Frame");
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("name", model.getGround().getAbsolutePathString());
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("userData", "NonEditable");
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_ground_json.put("model_ground", true);
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]         json_model_children.add(model_ground_json);
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     bodyJson.put("children", new JSONArray());
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     bodyJson.put("children", new JSONArray());
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("uuid", modelUUID.toString());
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("type", "Group");
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("opensimType", "Model");
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("name", model.getName());
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("children", new JSONArray());
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         model_object.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(getTransformWRTScene(), new Vec3(1.), 1.0));
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("object", model_object);
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("geometries", json_geometries);
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         put("materials", json_materials);
   [nb-javac]            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
   [nb-javac]         Map<String, Object> obj_json = createJSONObjectFromDisplayGeometry(geomName, opensimComponent, uuid, uuid_mat, dg, mobody_objects, visible);
   [nb-javac]                                                                           ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Map<String,Object>
   [nb-javac]   found:    JSONObject
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("uuid", mesh_uuid.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("type", "Mesh");
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("name", geomName);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("opensimType", opensimComponent.getConcreteClassName());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("geometry", uuid_geom.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("material", uuid_mat.toString());
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(dg.getTransform(), dg.getScaleFactors(), visScaleFactor));
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         obj_json.put("castShadow", false);
   [nb-javac]                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]             obj_json.put("visible", false);
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]             obj_json.put("userData", "NonEditable");
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]         mobody_objects.add(obj_json);
   [nb-javac]                           ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("Op", "Frame");
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("Transforms", bodyTransforms_json);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("paths", geompaths_json);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("time", state.getTime());
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("model", modelUUID.toString());
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("render", forceRender);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                 oneBodyXform_json.put("uuid", mapBodyIndicesToJson.get(bodyId).get("uuid"));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                 oneBodyXform_json.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(xform, new Vec3(1., 1., 1.), visScaleFactor));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                 bodyTransforms_json.add(oneBodyXform_json);
   [nb-javac]                                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     pathpointXform_json.put("uuid", movingComponents.get(comp).toString());
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     pathpointXform_json.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(localTransform, new Vec3(1., 1., 1.), visScaleFactor));
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                     bodyTransforms_json.add(pathpointXform_json);
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     pathpointXform_json.put("uuid", mapComponentToUUID.get(app).get(0).toString());
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     pathpointXform_json.put("matrix", JSONUtilities.createMatrixFromTransform(localTransform, new Vec3(1., 1., 1.), visScaleFactor));
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]                     bodyTransforms_json.add(pathpointXform_json);
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\src\org\opensim\threejs\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]                     pathpointXform_json.put("uuid", mapComponentToUUID.get(app).get(0).toString());
   [nb-javac]                                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] Note: Some input files additionally use or override a deprecated API.
   [nb-javac] Note: Some input files additionally use unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [nb-javac] 100 warnings
       [copy] Copying 275 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\view\build\classes


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-view.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.view

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.plotter: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-view.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-view.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 61 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 19 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]             xValues.add(xValue);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type ArrayList
   [nb-javac]             yValues.add(yValue);
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Muscle Group" }));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Muscle Group" }));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Model" }));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Model" }));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(Vector<E>) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(models));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(models));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(Vector<E>) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Muscle Group" }));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Muscle Group" }));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Model" }));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Select Model" }));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(Vector<E>) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(models));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jModelComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(models));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(Vector<E>) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jMuscleGroupComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(groups));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]           listModel.add(k, source.getStorage().getName());
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]               listModel.add(k, columnName);
   [nb-javac]                            ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\plotter\src\org\opensim\plotter\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to JList(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]       final JList list = new JList(listModel);
   [nb-javac]                          ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] 25 warnings


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-plotter.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.plotter

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.tracking: added = [module org.netbeans.api.progress.compat8 > 1.40, module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3, module org.netbeans.api.progress.nb > 1.40] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities, Swing dependencies split away] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-plotter.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-plotter.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKMarkerTasksModel in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKMarkerTasksModel.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKMarkerTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$1 in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$1.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$EditMeasurementNameActionAndFocusListener in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$EditMeasurementNameActionAndFocusListener.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$ChangeMarkerPairMarkerAction in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$ChangeMarkerPairMarkerAction.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$AddMeasurementAction in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$AddMeasurementAction.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$RemoveMeasurementAction in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$RemoveMeasurementAction.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$AddMarkerPairAction in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$AddMarkerPairAction.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane$RemoveMarkerPairAction in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane$RemoveMarkerPairAction.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MeasurementSetScrollPane.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.MeasurementSetScrollPane but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.TrackingToolModel in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\TrackingToolModel.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.AbstractToolModelWithExternalLoads but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.AbstractToolModelWithExternalLoads in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\AbstractToolModelWithExternalLoads.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.AbstractToolModelWithExternalLoads but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.AnalysisSetTableModel in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\AnalysisSetTableModel.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.AnalysisSetTableModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.AnalysisSetTableModel$1 in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\AnalysisSetTableModel$1.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.AnalysisSetTableModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.BodyScaleFactorsSubCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\BodyScaleFactorsSubCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.ScaleFactorsTableModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.BodySetScaleFactors in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\BodySetScaleFactors.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.BodySetScaleFactors but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.MyTextArea in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\MyTextArea.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.ScaleToolModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.BodyScaleFactorsCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\BodyScaleFactorsCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.ScaleToolModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksNameCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKTasksNameCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKCoordinateTasksModel$1 in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKCoordinateTasksModel$1.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKTasksCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKCoordinateTasksModel in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKCoordinateTasksModel.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksValueCellRenderer$1 in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKTasksValueCellRenderer$1.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksWeightCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKTasksWeightCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksValueCellRenderer in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\IKTasksValueCellRenderer.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.IKTasksModel but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] The class org.opensim.tracking.OptionalFile in file C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\OptionalFile.class is out of date due to org.opensim.tracking.OptionalFile but has not been deleted because its source file could not be determined
     [depend] Deleted 290 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes\org\opensim\tracking\AbstractToolModelWithExternalLoads.class appears to be stale, rebuilding all module sources
   [nb-javac] Compiling 58 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing analyses...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]       if(motions!=null) for(int i=0; i<motions.size(); i++) motionsComboBox.addItem(motions.get(i).getName());
   [nb-javac]                                                                                    ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]       if(motions!=null) for(int i=0; i<motions.size(); i++) motionsComboBox1.addItem(motions.get(i).getName());
   [nb-javac]                                                                                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]             for(int i=0; i<bodySet.getSize(); i++) rraAdjustedBodyComboBox.addItem(bodySet.get(i).getName());
   [nb-javac]                                                                                   ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]             motionsComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]             motionsComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]             rraAdjustedBodyComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]             rraAdjustedBodyComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]             motionsComboBox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]             motionsComboBox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Forward integration...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing computed muscle control...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Reducing residuals...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing inverse kinematics...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         BodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         BodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]         jForcesList.setModel(forceListModel);
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to set(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]              forceListModel.set(sels[0], pfCopy);
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]              forceListModel.add(forceListModel.getSize(), pf);
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]             add(i, f);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         BodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         BodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_px", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_px", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_py", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_py", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_pz", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "ground_force_pz", "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         ForceExpressedBodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                               ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         ForceExpressedBodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         PointExpressedBodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                               ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         PointExpressedBodiesComboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxFZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxPZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         jComboBoxTZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(colNames));
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]             comboBox.addItem(bNames[i]);
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         comboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(bNames));
   [nb-javac]                           ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         comboBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(bNames));
   [nb-javac]                          ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing calibration...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing Inverse Kinematics with IMU data ...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing Inverse Dynamics...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]       if(motions!=null) for(int i=0; i<motions.size(); i++) motionsComboBox1.addItem(motions.get(i).getName());
   [nb-javac]                                                                                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [deprecation] createHandle(String,Cancellable) in ProgressHandleFactory has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]          progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Executing scaling...",
   [nb-javac]                                                ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]          combo.addItem(ScaleFactorsTableModel.unassignedMeasurement);
   [nb-javac]                       ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addItem(E) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]          for(int i=0; i<measurementSet.getSize(); i++) combo.addItem(measurementSet.get(i).getName());
   [nb-javac]                                                                     ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         measurementX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                               ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         measurementX.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         measurementY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                               ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         measurementY.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(E[]) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]         measurementZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                               ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]         measurementZ.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\tools\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: method findObject in class SharedClassObject is applied to given types
   [nb-javac]             fdAction = (ForwardToolAction) ForwardToolAction.findObject((Class)Class.forName(""), true);
   [nb-javac]                                                                        ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>,boolean
   [nb-javac]   found: Class,boolean
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\tools\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
   [nb-javac]             fdAction = (ForwardToolAction) ForwardToolAction.findObject((Class)Class.forName(""), true);
   [nb-javac]                                                                         ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>
   [nb-javac]   found:    Class
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\tools\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: method findObject in class SharedClassObject is applied to given types
   [nb-javac]             final ToolbarRunForwardAction runFD = (ToolbarRunForwardAction) ToolbarRunForwardAction.findObject((Class)Class.forName(""), true);
   [nb-javac]                                                                                                               ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>,boolean
   [nb-javac]   found: Class,boolean
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\tools\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
   [nb-javac]             final ToolbarRunForwardAction runFD = (ToolbarRunForwardAction) ToolbarRunForwardAction.findObject((Class)Class.forName(""), true);
   [nb-javac]                                                                                                                ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>
   [nb-javac]   found:    Class
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] Note: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\src\org\opensim\tracking\tools\ has additional unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [nb-javac] 100 warnings
       [copy] Copying 16 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\tracking\build\classes


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-tracking.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.tracking

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.console: added = [module org.netbeans.api.templates > 1.0, module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3, module org.openide.filesystems.nb, module org.openide.filesystems.compat8] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities, Separation of desktop and cleanup, Templates API has been separated into its own module.] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] Distilling C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\public-package-jars\org-opensim-tracking.jar from [C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-tracking.jar]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 39 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 21 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: Should explicitly specify lazy attribute
   [nb-javac] public final class ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction extends CallableSystemAction {
   [nb-javac]              ^
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : No processor claimed any of these annotations: javax.annotation.Generated [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]                 ViewDB.getInstance().setObjectOpacity(obj, newOpacity0To1);
   [nb-javac]                                     ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Class
   [nb-javac]     static public void methodsview(Class classObj)
   [nb-javac]                                    ^
   [nb-javac]   missing type arguments for generic class Class<T>
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends Object declared in class Class
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: method findObject in class SharedClassObject is applied to given types
   [nb-javac]             ToolbarSimulationAction simAct = (ToolbarSimulationAction) ToolbarSimulationAction.findObject(
   [nb-javac]                                                                                                          ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>,boolean
   [nb-javac]   found: Class,boolean
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
   [nb-javac]                         (Class)Class.forName(""), false);
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   required: Class<T>
   [nb-javac]   found:    Class
   [nb-javac]   where T is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     T extends SharedClassObject declared in method <T>findObject(Class<T>,boolean)
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("Op", "setOption");
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         option.put("key", key);
   [nb-javac]                   ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         option.put("value", value);
   [nb-javac]                   ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\console\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type HashMap
   [nb-javac]         msg.put("data", option);
   [nb-javac]                ^
   [nb-javac]   where K,V are type-variables:
   [nb-javac]     K extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac]     V extends Object declared in class HashMap
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [deprecation] setLabel(String) in AbstractButton has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]         resetViewButton.setLabel("Reset View");
   [nb-javac]                        ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [deprecation] toURL() in File has been deprecated
   [nb-javac]                     clip = Applet.newAudioClip(file.toURL());
   [nb-javac]                                                    ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [cast] redundant cast to double
   [nb-javac]             cv.addDataPoint((double)aT, value);
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]          ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]          ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]          ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                              ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]             ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]             ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                                 ^
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\scriptingShell\src\org\opensim\customGui\ warning: [static] static method should be qualified by type name, ViewDB, instead of by an expression
   [nb-javac]         ViewDB.getInstance().renderAll();
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac] 19 warnings


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-console.jar




       [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.console

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.javabrowser: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]







     [depend] Deleted 1 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\username\opensim-gui\opensim-visualizer\jxbrowser\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : No processor claimed any of these annotations: javax.annotation.Generated [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] 1 warning


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-javabrowser.jar




       [copy] Copying 6 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster








  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.javabrowser

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.coordinateviewer: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated
  [parseprojectxml] The module org.jdesktop.layout has been deprecated







     [depend] Deleted 26 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 7 source files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\src\org\opensim\coordinateviewer\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to DefaultComboBoxModel(Vector<E>) as a member of the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac]       groupsComboBoxModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(coordinateGroupNames);
   [nb-javac]                             ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\src\org\opensim\coordinateviewer\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
   [nb-javac]       jCoordinateGroupsComboBox.setModel(groupsComboBoxModel);
   [nb-javac]                                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\src\org\opensim\coordinateviewer\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]       jList1.setModel(posesList);
   [nb-javac]                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\src\org\opensim\coordinateviewer\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(int,E) as a member of the raw type DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac]            posesList.add(i, poses.get(i)) ;
   [nb-javac]                         ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class DefaultListModel
   [nb-javac] C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\coordinateViewer\src\org\opensim\coordinateviewer\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ListModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JList
   [nb-javac]       jList1.setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel() {
   [nb-javac]                      ^
   [nb-javac]   where E is a type-variable:
   [nb-javac]     E extends Object declared in class JList
   [nb-javac] 5 warnings


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-coordinateviewer.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 1 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.coordinateviewer

















CUSTOMBUILD : [parseprojectxml] warning : had to upgrade dependencies for module org.opensim.graphlEditor: added = [module org.openide.util.ui > 9.3] removed = []; details: [#243100: Separate desktop-independent utilities] [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]







     [depend] Deleted 3 out of date files in 0 seconds
   [nb-javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\visualViewer\build\classes
CUSTOMBUILD : [nb-javac] warning : [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]


  [jarwithmoduleattributes] Building jar: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\cluster\modules\org-opensim-graphlEditor.jar












  [xmlvalidate] 0 file(s) have been successfully validated.



    [genlist] Generating Auto Update information for org.opensim.graphlEditor

     [delete] Deleting directory C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\launcher\bin
      [mkdir] Created dir: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\launcher\bin
       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\launcher\bin
       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\launcher\bin
       [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\launcher\bin
CUSTOMBUILD : [copy] warning : Could not find file C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\harness\launchers\app_w.exe to copy. [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]


       [copy] Copying 170 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\rest1251363510\ide
      [touch] Creating C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\rest1251363510\ide\.lastModified


       [copy] Copying 689 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\rest1251363510\platform
      [touch] Creating C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\rest1251363510\platform\.lastModified

       [copy] Copying 5 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build\nbexec1917716009\platform
        [zip] Building zip: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\

      [unzip] Expanding: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\ into C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer

       [copy] Copying 329 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer\opensim\Resources
       [copy] Copied 74 empty directories to 8 empty directories under C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer\opensim\Resources
       [copy] Copying 31 files to C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer\opensim\Resources\Code\GUI
        [zip] Building zip: C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer\opensim\
     [delete] Deleting directory C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\dist\installer\opensim\Resources

  C:\username\opensim-gui\Gui\opensim\build.xml:141: Warning: Could not find file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.16.27012\vcredist_x64.exe to copy.

  Total time: 56 seconds
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(209,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" wurde mit dem Code 1 beendet. [C:\username\GuitestOrdner\Gui\opensim\PrepareInstaller.vcxproj]
aymanhab commented 2 years ago

Appveyor is not supported anymore, files to build are not maintained as such and the netbeans mentioned has been deprecated. We do not support user building of GUI outside following the steps on the github-Action build scripts. Closing.