Closed fconlon closed 5 years ago
@jleidel I created this as a rough prioritization of the currently open issues. Please feel free to move them around if there is something you feel needs to have higher priority. 1 is the highest priority and will be completed first.
Closing this issue. I is superseded by the project board
59 UI seg faults when loading malformed yaml
21 IRPane updates aren't reloaded in the project info
113 Implement Invalid Endpoint Highlighting for Edit Comm window
104 Connect Project Menu and Toolbar Save Buttons to Handlers
105 Connect Project Menu and Toolbar SaveAs Buttons to Handlers
108 Implement Static Instruction Format Node Info Window
109 Implement Dynamic Editable IF Window
67 Register Edit Window Should Provide A Way To Edit Fixed Value Data
110 Implement Plugin Edit/Creation Functionality
17 Add window to select stonecutter compiler options
106 Refactor Delete Node Functionality
24 Complete printing interface
37 Open selections in node tree should not be closed on node edits
107 Investigate what required/desired functionality is still not implemented in the portal