opensource-nepal / py-nepali

py-nepali is a python package containing features that will be useful for Nepali projects.
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Create a feature for nepali numbers with nepalinumber class #29

Closed aj3sh closed 1 year ago

aj3sh commented 1 year ago

Let's create nepalinumber class which will be compatible with python's int, float, etc numbers. The major features will be comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A lot of features can be added later.

Here are some basic example of this class

from nepali.number import nepalinumber

# initialization
np_number = nepalinumber(1234)
np_number = nepalinumber("1234")
np_number = nepalinumber("१२३४")
np_number = nepalinumber("12.34")

# comparison
np_number == 10
np_number >= nepalinumber("१२")

# addition, subscription, multiplication, division
a = np_number / 10 * nepalinumber("४") + 300 - nepalinumber("१.२")

# output
a.str_ne()  # returns Devanagari number format
a.str_en()  # return in English number format
aj3sh commented 1 year ago

Basic POC.

>>> class nepalinumber(float):
...     pass
>>> a = nepalinumber(1)
>>> 1 + a
>>> a + 1
>>> a / 2
>>> str(a)
>>> a == 1
>>> a > 2
>>> a <= 1

cc: @sugat009, @ecedreamer

sugat009 commented 1 year ago

selfnepalinumber = TypeVar("selfnepalinumber", bound="nepalinumber")

class nepalinumber: def init(self, value) -> None: self.value = value

def __str__(self) -> str:
    return str(self.value)

def __int__(self) -> int:
    return int(self.value)

def __float__(self) -> float:
    return float(self.value)

def __add(self, other) -> Optional[selfnepalinumber]:
    if (
        (isinstance(self.value, int) and isinstance(other, int))
        or (isinstance(self.value, int) and isinstance(other, float))
        or (isinstance(self.value, float) and isinstance(other, int))
        or (isinstance(self.value, float) and isinstance(other, float))
        val = self.value + other

        return nepalinumber(val)
    elif isinstance(other, nepalinumber):
        val = self.value + other.value

        return nepalinumber(val)
    return None

def __add__(self, other) -> selfnepalinumber:
    added_value = self.__add(other)

    if added_value:
        return added_value

    raise Exception(
        f'Operator "+" not supported for types nepalinumber and "{type(object)}'

def __radd__(self, other) -> selfnepalinumber:
    added_value = self.__add(other)

    if added_value:
        return added_value

    raise Exception(
        f'Operator "+" not supported for types "{type(object)} and nepalinumber'

if name == "main": num = nepalinumber(10) print(float(num))

num2 = nepalinumber(1.1)

num3 = 69
num4 = 20

print(num + num3)
print(num + num2)
print(num4 + num)
print(num4 + num2)
print(num + num2)
aj3sh commented 1 year ago

@sugat009, Yours looks good to me. Let's discuss about the extra features/test cases if any and start the development.