opensourceBIM / IfcOpenShell-BIMserver-plugin

IfcOpenShell BIMserver plugin
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only BREP is supported for geometry representation #3

Open ManoChanda opened 6 years ago

ManoChanda commented 6 years ago

I am new to IFC and BIM world, I am using your IfcGeomServer.exe to generate geometry of IFC objects. But your exe only generated values for BREP. If the ifc model does not have brep, it will not generate geometry values. What should I do ? Do you suggest any other Render Engine ? Why there is a dependancy on BREP representation ?

rubendel commented 6 years ago

No, it does generate geometry for all kinds of representation. Which representation specifically does not work for you? Do you have an example IFC that illustrates this?

ManoChanda commented 6 years ago

can you please see the attached file , I am unable to generate Geometry of this model

ManoChanda commented 6 years ago

will you please find some time to see my problem? @rubendel thanking you in advance

rubendel commented 6 years ago

It loads just fine here (latest version of everything). Haven't looked at the different types of geometry used, but I assume it's not just breps.


rubendel commented 6 years ago

Oh I am gettings a few errors in the log file I see, not all geometry is converted successfully

org.bimserver.plugins.renderengine.RenderEngineException: Exited with non-zero exit code: -1073741571
    at org.ifcopenshell.IfcGeomServerClient.terminate(
    at org.ifcopenshell.IfcGeomServerClient.close(
    at org.ifcopenshell.IfcOpenShellEngine.close(
    at org.bimserver.renderengine.NoPoolingRenderEnginePool.returnObject(
    at org.bimserver.StreamingGeometryGenerator$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

I have attached one of the smaller "intermediate" files, may @aothms can have a look later?


rubendel commented 6 years ago

Possibly related to and

ManoChanda commented 6 years ago

thanks for reply, but the exit codes are different, someone reported exit code: 255 and you mentioned -1073741819, and here it was -1073741571

rubendel commented 6 years ago

Yeah but I am pretty sure the exit codes are not real exit codes but some sort of overflow or memory corruption.