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Javascript client for Building Information Modelling, using open standards like IFC, BCF and BIMSie. Using Bootstrap, BIM Surfer, etc..
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Error "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined" #101

Open xie-qianyue opened 6 years ago

xie-qianyue commented 6 years ago

Hello Ruben,

After updating to the latest version, I have the following error in the console of Chrome (version 62.0.3202.94), when opening bimviews:

(index):217 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
    at (index):217
    at l ((index):35)
    at HTMLScriptElement.j ((index):36)

More precisely, the error occurs on the line 217 of index.html, in the function of loadBimServerApi:

    cache: true

It seems that the library of JQuery is not loaded.

This error occurs in production (when using transpiled js of bimserversapi).

Can you please check this error, if all goes right on your side, just tell me, I will recheck the codes on my side.

Thank you.

rubendel commented 6 years ago

It's going alright here (Chrome 63, which is now the latest stable version). But I did make another build of the JavaScript API because the version numbers were mixed up (latest build did not actually have the latest version number).

xie-qianyue commented 6 years ago

I'm not quite sure whether I have followed you. What you mean is the problem comes from the project JavaScript API but not this project, and it's a known issue of the current version of project JavaScript API, but a previous version worked? Do you mean that?

Moreover, please see this closed issue 97, I have this error again in local.