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Javascript client for Building Information Modelling, using open standards like IFC, BCF and BIMSie. Using Bootstrap, BIM Surfer, etc..
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Can't render IFC model in #131

Open KonstantinMastak opened 5 years ago

KonstantinMastak commented 5 years ago


I tried using installation of to check its functions. I created new account there, added all possible serializer, deserializer and renderers to my user account. I then loaded IFC/Step model via proper deserializer.

There were no errors while loading the model, and "Geometry Build" report shows that all nodes were loaded correctly. However, I can't view geometry tree and I can't view my model in 3D. Just blank parts of those windows.

When I click on "arrow down" button near the name of my project (to view geometry tree), I get the following error:

"No plugin found for this user with classname org.bimserver.serializers.JsonStreamingSerializerPlugin"

However, I installed plugin called "org.bimserver.serializers.JsonSerializerPlugin" and "JsonSerializerWithGeometry", there is no plugin with name "org.bimserver.serializers.JsonStreamingSerializerPlugin" in the list of available plugins.

How to solve this problem?

My second question is about "Schependomlaan" demo model. I see the following caption in the UI of "For a demo of, you can now import the freely available Schependomlaan model automatically." But when I click on this link, I get an error "Project name must be unique". Indeed, the list of available projects already contains "Schependomlaan" project. However, it is shown in yellow and I can't view it - because it was created by some other user and I don't have rights to access it. Nor do I have any way to rename "automatically" created new instance of "Schependomlaan" project. So some other user who already used this option actually blocked it for anyone else. Is there any way to overcome this?