opensourceantibiotics / murligase

Everything to do with the Mur Ligase Project
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Mur Ligase Online Research Meeting 2pm June 8th 2021 #44

Open mattodd opened 3 years ago

mattodd commented 3 years ago

Meeting follows on from May 2021 meeting at #43. When: Tue June 8th 2pm London (BST). Where: Recording:

Actions from Last Time

Overall Aims remain: i) Structures of two mur ligases bound to the same small molecule. ii) Identify new starting points for inhibitors.

Another future aim: devise platform agreements within OSA in order to simplify the MTA-related paperwork, which is proving problematic. Could we transform OSA into a charity (though since none of us would work for this charity, it's not clear how much that might help).

Also: entering the 600 or so Enamine compounds purchased by @eyermanncj into an xchem screen at Diamond. A soak vs Psuedomonas MurC. @LizbeK was going to email details of the compounds. Laura to liaise with Peter and Lizbe to see if this soak of the Enamine compounds is possible.

Next meeting: Tuesday 6th July 2pm London Location:

phraenquex commented 3 years ago

@mattodd we've passed on the MurE data to the group of Alex Tropsha at UNC (well, we pointed them to Fragalysis): they've got an NIH grant to do computational design of molecules, AND money to buy compounds... I'd written a letter of support, and a few months ago they asked for targets. It was a no-brainer to drag them in; I think they're still tooling up a bit, but the moment they ask for more, we can point them to other issues. I don't think we have timelines yet, but we're meeting them every other week (they have other TEP targets too, for practical reasons.)

Yuhang-CADD commented 3 years ago


Rebecca-Steventon commented 3 years ago

Here is the link to the page with the data from Lizbe's fragment screen:

mattodd commented 3 years ago

That's great, thanks @Rebecca-Steventon. FYI All: additions to the wiki (like this one) don't result in alerts in the same way as if things are added as updates to Issues (like this).

mattodd commented 3 years ago

Hi @phraenquex yes I think I was on that email chain - I'm v happy to jump in to your call if it helps align. I think what they're planning on doing re elaboration of the mur ligase fragments makes a huge amount of sense, particularly if the early promising results from @Rebecca-Steventon on @danaklug samples bears out.

Or Alex (@TropshaGroup) comes to the next mur ligase meeting on July 6th...