I think this app is good, and I love the fact that is is open source/tracker free. But there's some things that myself, and many others that need an app to be reminded to take meds, would really benefit from.
Here are the more crucial ones:
Persistent reminders until you've taken your meds.
Reminds you every X minutes (probably 5 min, or customizable) until you have marked your meds as having been taken or skipped
I basically need this for my medication reminder app
Overlay instead of just notification.
Have it overlay whatever app you're on as a dialog box that can either take you to the app or be closed
This one could be difficult, both for potentially more permissions, and idk how overlaying on the various phone types works.
Easier/possible to edit existing pill reminders
The less important, but would be nice to have features:
An option where you can setup a reminder "X times Y hours after taking the first one". Would be useful for pain meds taken after every few hours, but especially with ADHD meds (who are more likely to use an app to remind them to take meds).
Customizable refill reminder. ie "Get reminded when you have X pills remaining"
Option to be reminded on the x-th of every month. ie reminded to take on the 5th of every month (for long half life meds)
Customizable vibrations, so people can know what medications they are being reminded to take without even looking. This one is really not super needed.
I would be interested in helping, but I would be learning a lot to do so. I am well versed in web development, but not so much in app dev. I am also just now dipping my toes in open source projects, so I am definitely trying to learn. This seems like a good way to get myself to learn, as there is motivation for me to have a daily app I use that doesn't have trackers.
I think this app is good, and I love the fact that is is open source/tracker free. But there's some things that myself, and many others that need an app to be reminded to take meds, would really benefit from.
Here are the more crucial ones:
The less important, but would be nice to have features:
I would be interested in helping, but I would be learning a lot to do so. I am well versed in web development, but not so much in app dev. I am also just now dipping my toes in open source projects, so I am definitely trying to learn. This seems like a good way to get myself to learn, as there is motivation for me to have a daily app I use that doesn't have trackers.