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black rectangle (no image) in some tweets that refer to pages in the domain #90

Open jdittrich opened 7 years ago

jdittrich commented 7 years ago

According to @grahamperrin on discourse no images are previewed in a tweet if it links to discourse; it will just have a black rectangle, like this:

image (image taken from @grahamperrin discourse post

Not yet reproducible with any other instance of Discourse (I experimented with tweets for four other instances).

PS.: If that should go to another repo, please move it and leave a note, Org was most fitting for discourse I thought.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Tweeted 2017-05-15

With reference to a post that was made by pdurbin on 2017-05-14,

a tweet with the avatar of discourse user pdurbin

the linked post by pdurbin

Tweeted 2017-05-19

One of these two is bugged:

two tweets

The earlier of the two:

a tweet with blackness

the linked post by msiep

msiep avatar 120x120 pixels

The later of the two:

a tweet with the avatar of discourse user xuv

the linked post by xuv

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

A shortlist of tweets that are bugged

Not intended to be comprehensive.

A shortlist of tweets that are bugged, but not by the black rectangle

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago seeks advice from Twitter Support.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

I wondered whether the issue is avatar-specific.

Test tweet, link to where simonv3 is the opening poster:

Test tweet, link to where post 7 in the same topic is also by simonv3:


grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Interesting, a test tweet a few minutes ago with reference to presented a cropped version of an image that ceased appearing in that post (6) a few hours ago:

2017-05-21 08-20


(The original of what's cropped by Twitter can be found in the first edition of the linked post.)

jdittrich commented 7 years ago

Some sort of background info: The black image is not hotlinked but stored at twitter, so it is not very easy to find out what twitter drags in.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago



… maybe check both:

  • your site assets topic
  • URLs for logos

– do the URLs refer to the assets? Is each asset in a required format? …

I have a very vague recollection, from the first day(s) of admin, that SVG did not work as expected in at least one context. SVG aside, for a moment …

At a glance, without reference to what's specified in the basic requirements area of admin preferences: strikes me as extraordinarily large:

Try flattening (the alpha is probably unnecessary in this context), greyscale, scale down to a saner size, add to your site assets topic, then change the admin preference to refer to the asset.

Also is probably larger than will ever be necessary in the context of the site assets topic (512 x 512 pixels, 4.6 kB).

Additional background information at (I began the topic there, not Discourse Meta, with an assumption that someone at FeverBee might have encountered the issue in the past). Quite verbose, tl;dr I found nothing there that might explain the problem with our instance of Discourse.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

… what's specified in the basic requirements area of admin preferences … specifies shapes but not sizes for logo_url and logo_small_url

I'll search Discourse Meta for recommendations (if any) on size.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

From post 9 (2015-09-14) under What is the ideal size of Logo file?:

… pixel dimensions are irrelevant, as the browser (with the sad, forlorn exception of IE11 and Edge) will resize the image as needed.

You also want a larger image for retina-class devices with high DPI, …

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago


@jdittrich please what's in your admin preferences for these two fields?




Troubleshooting Guide — Twitter Developers refers to:

– where we can validate forum URLs such as those in the shortlist above.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

twitter_summary_large_image_url: "URL of the default Twitter summary card image (should be at least 280px in width, and at least 150px in height)."

From the Card Validator, for a card with a black rectangle:

INFO: Page fetched successfully INFO: 18 metatags were found INFO: twitter:card = summary_large_image tag found INFO: Card loaded successfully

jdittrich commented 7 years ago

@jdittrich please what's in your admin preferences for these two fields?

Do you know where they can be found? In the link you send is a text file, but as far as I am concerned, we can only access the Admin dashboard and there I could not find it.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Admin dashboard

There's a filter field, find-as-you-type if I recall correctly.

In this screenshot (grabbed from Discourse Meta) someone has filtered for the word sidebar:


In your case I guess that you'll find fields of interest by filtering first for opengraph, then for twitter

Chat: are you a user of Riot? If not I can join you in IRC, if you like.

jdittrich commented 7 years ago

For both parameters, it is this value: – which calls up an image which just looks fine to me.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago


I wonder whether we'll resolve the problem by using a 280 x 150 image for twitter_summary_large_image_url

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Try this 280 x 150 for twitter_summary_large_image_url


It's very rough (certainly not the proper typeface) but IMHO good enough for short-term test purposes. Can't look worse than the black rectangle :-) – if this works around the issue in a test tweet then we'll know that we're heading in the right direction. Thanks.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

I ran a couple of previously bugged URLs through the Validator on mobile. No black rectangle.

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Tuesday morning, reviewing this issue at a desktop computer: definitely some improvement.

Please, what changed? twitter_summary_large_image_url alone?

Brief observations

Re: the shortlist above and the two other tweets that refer to the forum home page:

Similarly improved: with reference to, a single-post topic with no image, only the avatar of simonv3 :white_check_mark: :question:

Amongst the tweets where there's not yet an improvement:

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

opensourcedesign-logo.png (512 x 512 pixels, 4.6 kB), Twitter Cards twitter:image is probably larger than will ever be necessary in the context of the site assets topic …

At the time of writing, it appears broken at (for example):

jdittrich commented 7 years ago

@grahamperrin the links look fine to me– maybe it was a caching issue?

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Checked at a different computer, on a different network: opensourcedesign-logo.png still appears broken in all three examples.

(Hint: click the Twitter Cards tab.)

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

Back to – and if the issue can't be addressed by local staff then please call @discourse into that topic. Thanks.

pdurbin commented 7 years ago

I just noticed the black rectangle at and I agree that it would be great to fix this somehow. Is there anything I can do to help?

grahamperrin commented 7 years ago

@pdurbin thanks, I added your example to the shortlist above. seeks advice from @discourse.