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how to send message via http request ? #60

Closed dedihost closed 11 years ago

dedihost commented 11 years ago

I need something like this:

localhost:5000/message/secretid/chatid/here is text sended to user Please, help me.

miohtama commented 11 years ago

The example code is available here:

dedihost commented 11 years ago

I didnt understand, can you give me a example ?

miohtama commented 11 years ago

The linked documentation contains examples for different programming languages (shell scripting, Python). I suggest you study them how to send a message.

If you don't find this examples helpful enough we need a find person who can help you with your own programming language.

The sending message action is not very complex and anybody with intermediate programming experience should be able to help you.

dedihost commented 11 years ago

localhost:5000/message_unsigned/chat_id=301fe7e91cf0d5977f59f366e28a9f20&message=test This is not correct or correct ? I look at message_unsigned and i read about http post requests and i think the url is correct written. I need this to use in AMXX plugin for Counter-Strike servers (call admin via skype). Thanks for any help.

comentarinformal commented 11 years ago

(lol, Thunderbird's now sending it to spam...) If you read about http POST requests, you would know why that URL isn't going to work.

miohtama commented 11 years ago

The parameters are correct. That is not a HTTP POST request, that is most likely a HTTP GET request. HTTP POST request is constructed in whatever programming language you are using and you do not give parameters in URL.

I suggest you consult AMXX / Counter-Strike development community how to do HTTP POST requests in its plugin programming environment.

dedihost commented 11 years ago

OK! Thanks for fast reply's :)