opensourcehacker / sevabot

A Skype bot supporting integration with external services
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Could not load settings file: #79

Closed comentarinformal closed 10 years ago

comentarinformal commented 10 years ago

So I remember having this problem previously, but I can't remember how I fixed it. I have the file at /home/skype/sevabot, and doing DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" echo $DIR outputs exactly that, /home/skype/sevabot However, when I try to start sevabot ( SERVICES="sevabot" ./scripts/ start ), it doesn't do anything for some seconds, then

Could not load settings file: Started Sevabot web server process id

I've even symlinked it on ./sevabot, ./sevabot/frontend, to no avail.

Using the latest version, fetched a day or two ago. Any ideas of what could be causing this?

comentarinformal commented 10 years ago

Is anyone there?

foleranser commented 10 years ago

Nevermind this devs, she's alive now.