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Make enablement materials (campaign, collateral, landing page etc) for devs to pitch their bosses on joining the Pledge #216

Open selviano opened 1 day ago

selviano commented 1 day ago

Right now our website and collateral target a very narrow segment of the population: C-level execs and decision makers at tech companies. We want awareness and devs to know about the Pledge, sure; but the CTA is always with the former group.

We should expand to targeting developers directly, via a enablement campaign with the goal of "Convince your bosses to join"

We can do all sorts of cheeky stuff, like funny videos for social; and/or more practical stuff like a landing page with the top talking points in favor of joining the Pledge to argue with your boss (lowering supply chain risk, easier to hire dev talent, and, hopefully one day soon, that not being a member of the Pledge will be a black mark on the company brand).

I'd love to discuss other ideas so we can do this in an interesting way. I think we need to scope this out some more before we set deadlines, but I'd like to get this done in 2024

vladh commented 1 day ago

Love this, am super on board.

chadwhitacre commented 13 hours ago

Does this overlap with #196?

vladh commented 13 hours ago

Hmm, I don't think so. #196 is more about packaging the materials we have so far. This issue is more about creating a totally new kind of materials for a new target audience.

selviano commented 13 hours ago

@vladh beat me to it...

@chadwhitacre I think it does somewhat wrt a landing page, but I see it as a different initiative. I see 196 as more of a resource for everyone: Members, Ecosystem Partners, Prospects etc. The LP we make for the enablement campaign would probably have a lot of the same materials, but it would be targeted at a different audience with more specific messaging and assets

and of course the LP is just part of a bigger campaign

chadwhitacre commented 13 hours ago

Hrm, not sure I'm convinced. Resources is generic, aids for whomever to promote the pledge. Could encompass all of the above, including non-decision-makers at prospect companies.

vladh commented 13 hours ago

Once this ticket is done, it would be something to include in #196, yep.

selviano commented 13 hours ago

I don't think that's wrong. But the pages aren't mutually exclusive. We should have enablement stuff on our resources page and (IMO) a targeted LP that links to those resources

chadwhitacre commented 13 hours ago

Why can't Resources be the landing page, and then shunt people from there?

Help us grow the Pledge

  1. Make the case to your leadership team that your company should join the Pledge.

  2. Promote the Pledge on social media with our social images and such.

  3. Promote the Pledge in real life with stickers and swag.

  4. Endorse the Pledge from your FOSS organization.