opensourcepos / opensourcepos

Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
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UI restyling with Bootstrap #116

Closed daN4cat closed 8 years ago

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

The current ospos is functional but looks "old days". The new login form follows newer web app design trends in line with Bootstrap and similar, but the rest of the application is not and would really benefit from a restyling.

marteserede commented 8 years ago

I agree with you. Unfortunately I am not into Web UI Design neither and I also think that there are more important things... although a redesign would probably include making ospos responsive which would make it much easier to use it on a tablet or even a phone if possible...

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Some first UI design improvements can be found in #226 (currently to be reviewed)

angelscabrerag commented 8 years ago

Hi, can i contribute to the project? i help with UI design by boostrap framework... and make it responsive and a better look

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

More than welcome and if you check #226 you can find already some work done to leverage bootstrap. If you build on top of that it would be probably quicker?

jekkos commented 8 years ago

There's still some open points to improve in that PR. Maybe you can look into those?

angelscabrerag commented 8 years ago

Hi, i'll chek and make some test on it, i will keep you updated. Thanks!

angelscabrerag commented 8 years ago

Yes, I will review

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

@angelcabrera Just wondering if you had time to look into this. It would be nice to have a restyling in 2.4.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

I have a branch called bootstrapUI which contains the bootstrap changes and it's based on Code Igniter 3.0.3 (branch ci3).

odiea commented 8 years ago

@daN4cat Have you found a css solution to prevent the top bar from printing on the receipt? I have Cerulean as my template but can't find a way to prevent that from printing.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Well, all this UI restyling needs more work.

odiea commented 8 years ago

Adding this to style.css will change the page font size. You can adjust as needed. I did not like the default font size.

odiea commented 8 years ago

What I ended up doing was copying all ospos css to template css and made color changes there. I made new small and big buttons and it looks ok without changing the ospos look when I reverted back to the original look. I also changed the href in template /partial /header to point to this new location.

odiea commented 8 years ago

I lied. All I had to do was change style.css but I did add an images folder in templates for the new buttons.

odiea commented 8 years ago

After working with it more that noprint deleted the top bar.

angelscabrerag commented 8 years ago

@daN4cat Sorry for the delay, Yes i can, i'm playing around version rigth now. I will notify any advance...

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

@angelcabrera sorry please don't use that git, it's obsolete. Please use and the branch bootstrapUI


daN4cat commented 8 years ago

OK, hopefully #120 is closed so the next step in 2.4 for me would be to upgrade to a new UI building on what was partially done by another submitter.

So I have a question here, do we prefer to make it configurable so people can change bootstrap theme or should we make the current example the default for the new OSPOS 2.4?

jekkos commented 8 years ago

I would set the new theme as the default, but keep the old one so that people can choose for themselves.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

OK, so I leave the setup as it is but I would need to complete the changes because just some views are fine and the dialog boxes are not ok.

There is some work to do, I need to learn more on css stuff which is good to learn. However it might take a while to complete the job, but let see.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

I will work on my branch until I get something sorted at general level, so I leave some time to settle in 2.4 CI3 change. Once both sides seems fine I'll submit the new UI to 2.4 branch.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

@cpl2015 I see you cloned my git and branch boosttrapUI and you are advancing the UI upgrade to boostrap. I'll have a look into what you have added and I was wondering if I can count on you doing this upgrade and get a contribution back so I can focus on something else. That will be great in advancing OSPOS to the next level helping each other. So we can get to a 2.4 with CI3 and bootstrap in really soon.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

@jekkos I checked and merged @cpl2015 changes (in my boostrapUI branch) that adjust the rest of the UI (e.g. sales, receivings) and if we are to maintain backward compatibility in terms of old UI without bootstrap that means a lot of work.

Currently cpl2015 branch added spacelab beside flatly, but it has changes to root views to add bootstrap css and button styles. If we don't allow that change at root level it will be a lot of work in duplicating changes in bootstrap templates, repeating always the same change causing a lot of issues in case we fix something at root level because we need to propagate the same fix across I don't know how many templates.

An example was my favicon fix, I needed to change header.php in templates/flatly in order to have it restored. I don't think this is a wise approach and it will become very expensive to maintain.

Therefore, how critical is to maintain the old UI style?

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

There is a batch of changes I submitted in my bootstrapUI branch:

The next steps are to make the popup dialogs bootstrap ones and also clean code from old css. I'm sure there are other things that were tweaked in the code and should be in a css, I'll see what can be done but that's at the end.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

@jekkos if we make the current develop/2.4 with CI3.0.4 be master, next I will push bootstrapUI changes to develop/2.4 branch.

Let me know when 2.3.4. is out.

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Sounds like you've been working quite a bit. I'll tag that version later today.

odiea commented 8 years ago

span class="navbar-brand" id="company_title" style="font-size:14pt"><?php echo $this->config->item('company'); ?></span. @daN4cat Here is what I use to bring back the company name

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

ok, let me check. I missed that.

odiea commented 8 years ago

ok and if you change this in partial header from right to left the icons lineup correctly.ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left"

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

See what I committed. Many changes:

I merged in latest master & develop/2.4.

The change of all the forms to be bootstrap based will be quite some work. I also have in mind to change the pagination to be bootstrap style, but not sure how easy is to change that. We'll see.

And of course the config page should use bootstrap tabs.... still a lot to do.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Anyone has a set of icons or pointer to a valid set to consider so we change even those? I would really like to give it a fresh and simpler look with this change.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Made an extra change since I didn't like the warning bar for the "no items in cart". Better an alert info.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

BTW, is it better to display all the notifications now in the feedback bar at the bottom, I mean even the register ones?

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Maybe add payment button in register should be green, so the normal sequence is always a series of green buttons. Thoughts?

odiea commented 8 years ago

I think the bootstrap buttons are fine. If you replace the new button back into style.css it gives a nicer radius button to match the other buttons. I would change the icons or just remove them. Maybe replace them with buttons Ha Ha. It appears you brought the button back with your last update. Ya suspended buttons are matching so Payment buttons could also match.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

What about the notifaction bars? Should I move all at the bottom? I also noticed that if you edit a sale in takings and submit it reports an error. Is it only me or do you get the same?

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Would it be a lot of work to keep them in their original positions for sales and receivings? If we move these then we'll have to adapt controller code as well.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

They are in the original place at the moment, just bootstrap style. Changing to bottom just means to wrap in a feedback_bar div. Anyway I leave as it is and we can change it later. There is more work to do with all the forms....

jekkos commented 8 years ago

I've fetched your github repo. Indeed there's something wrong in the detailed sales report edit. If you want I can have a look.

jekkos commented 8 years ago

And indeed a new set of icons would be nice as well. We could go all fancy and find some that scale well on retina displays eg. I'll try to see if I can find something.

Maybe we might split up this issue in smaller parts so we can keep track of improvements more easily?

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Let me move code to a new branch and then split things indeed. I'll try to make more commits to reduce delta between changes.

Icon change is trivial.

jekkos commented 8 years ago

I have pushed bootstrapified config module in bootstrapUI branch on my repo now. This branch contains all your changes as well.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Ok, so we keep two branches + master. Gets a bit complicated.

Not sure why the js in config, the idea of the bootstrap themes we use is no js (as much as possible) but I'm sure there is a reason.

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

Btw, I'm expecting some of the test automation to break because of button ids use.

odiea commented 8 years ago

@jekkos will I be able to do a git pull from this branch. It does not show as a git I can pull?

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Ok I changed the name to be more consistent with other feature branches. Now it is feature/bootstrapUI.

I didn't find a working tab example with bootstrap in the first place so that's why I wrote my own 3 lines. Now I looked into omitting it but ran into the following

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Regarding the confirmation bar, might be cooler to use a native bootstrap alert, that pops in below the header bar?

daN4cat commented 8 years ago

That's what it is at the moment, just the feedback_bar styling drops it at the bottom.

Not sure I can follow what else you might mean

odiea commented 8 years ago

I just downloaded and tried this new branch and config store is not working. It loads but when you try a new tab it just goes back to home.

jekkos commented 8 years ago

Yeah indeed add ?debug=true to the url and I suppose it will work.