I was trying to host this project on Huggingface and I noticed that this project has a 30MB file in here.
I do not suppose it is easy/cheap to host it even on Github and I'm not sure if it's a high entropy file. Let's use the following code to generate a new random file:
COPY /files/nginx.key /etc/ssl/
ARG FILE_SIZE=31457280
ARG FILE_NAME=downloading
RUN apk --no-cache add coreutils
RUN dd if=/dev/urandom of=/usr/share/nginx/html/$FILE_NAME bs=1 count=$FILE_SIZE
USER root
Thanks for this great project.
I was trying to host this project on Huggingface and I noticed that this project has a 30MB file in here.
I do not suppose it is easy/cheap to host it even on Github and I'm not sure if it's a high entropy file. Let's use the following code to generate a new random file: