opensquare-network / statescan

Statemint asset explorer
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Support for on-chain metadata of NFT #1054

Closed tash-2s closed 2 years ago

tash-2s commented 2 years ago

Could Statescan support NFT metadata stored directly on-chain?

Here is an example of an on-chain metadata asset created on Westmint.


Storing IPFS id or external URL as metadata is common practice in the blockchain space. However, fully on-chain NFTs are becoming popular as well. They don't rely on other infrastructure, so it's useful in some areas.

Examples of on-chain NFTs on Ethereum:

Also, it looks like putting JSON directly into metadata is expected on pallet-uniques.

So I want the support on Statescan.

A drawback for on-chain metadata for Statemint/e is a tight limit on metadata size. Up to 128 bytes is allowed now, so we cannot store general data. But this is enough for my use case.


wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue, and I think it makes sense. I'll do some investigation further and implement it when ready.

tash-2s commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your response. The OpenSquare team is doing excellent work!

What can I do to move this forward?

wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

We're a little busy with other products development. I'm wondering is there a standard for on-chain image? The format you mentioned is like following 2 json objects.

{"name":"🧬","image":""}

The image base64 part is decoded into:.

<svg xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 350 350"><style>.base { fill: white; font-family: serif; font-size: 14px; }</style><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black" /><text x="10" y="20" class="base">"Grim Shout" Grave Wand of Skill +1</text><text x="10" y="40" class="base">Hard Leather Armor</text><text x="10" y="60" class="base">Divine Hood</text><text x="10" y="80" class="base">Hard Leather Belt</text><text x="10" y="100" class="base">"Death Root" Ornate Greaves of Skill</text><text x="10" y="120" class="base">Studded Leather Gloves</text><text x="10" y="140" class="base">Necklace of Enlightenment</text><text x="10" y="160" class="base">Gold Ring</text></svg>


tokenURI(1208480988381788759709365916903450620926929939049) returns:


Their use of image fields matches ours.

OpenSea also accepts an image_data field, allowing a pure SVG string, not a data URL string. I'm not sure how widely used/supported this field is.

Therefore, "image":"data:image/svg+xml,<svg... is considered standard. "image_data":"<svg... may be good also, as it uses fewer bytes.

wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

Many thanks to the detailed explanation. I think they are enough for our implementation.

tash-2s commented 2 years ago

Thank you for working on this. @hyifeng I'm wondering about the current state of the PR. What can I help you with?

wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

@wliyongfeng This PR is waiting for my review. I will do it soon.

tash-2s commented 2 years ago

I'm sure you're very busy, and I don't want to bother you, but how is this going? has been merged but not deployed yet?

wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

@tash-2s Yeah, it has been merged and we will deploy it recent days.

wliyongfeng commented 2 years ago

tash-2s commented 2 years ago

Many thanks, that's perfect! I'm grateful for your support.