opensrp / fhircore

FHIR Core / OpenSRP 2 is a Kotlin application for delivering offline-capable, mobile-first healthcare project implementations from local community to national and international scale using FHIR and WHO Smart Guidelines on Android.
Apache License 2.0
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[Malawi Core] Dropdown list to populate a questionnaire #1189

Open Gental-Giant opened 2 years ago

Gental-Giant commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Ability to select a district/catchment area from a dropdown list
  2. The default district on display is the one to which the CHW is assigned
  3. The CHW will type the catchment area where the client resides. As they type, the list will begin to filter itself



AbdulWahabMemon commented 2 years ago

@Gental-Giant I guess this feature is working in malawi-core app, is this ticket done/closed ? cc: @dubdabasoduba , @f-odhiambo

Gental-Giant commented 2 years ago

@AbdulWahabMemon Not yet. Implementing this will take a while because of the SDK dependency. For 1 and 2 we can use a static list since we do not expect district and catchment areas to change. For 3, we have a workaround and Ben/Francis will guide you on that.

cc @dubdabasoduba @f-odhiambo

AbdulWahabMemon commented 2 years ago

@AbdulWahabMemon Not yet. Implementing this will take a while because of the SDK dependency. For 1 and 2 we can use a static list since we do not expect district and catchment areas to change. For 3, we have a workaround and Ben/Francis will guide you on that.

cc @dubdabasoduba @f-odhiambo

got it

pld commented 2 years ago

@Gental-Giant what is the relevant Android FHIR SDK issue related to this?

Gental-Giant commented 2 years ago

@pld Here is a ticket on FHIR SDK

dubdabasoduba commented 1 year ago

@Gental-Giant the related issue here was closed. Can we close this issue?