opensrp / opensrp-client-chw-emergency-transport

CHW Emergency Transport
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Generate a Feature when registration form has GPS cordinates #9

Open githengi opened 4 years ago

githengi commented 4 years ago

There are 2 options for handling sync - Option 1 will be used

  1. Save feature during client processing; extract feature from event. This will remove need to sync locations. This would assume structures cannot be loaded server side but are generated on the client

~2. (NOT USED) Save structures during post save actions and sync structure to the server. Clients will be syncing structures downstream also for structures~

This will improve operations for querying data to display on the map

githengi commented 4 years ago

LOE 3 days for 1 FTE

msschroeder commented 4 years ago

@githengi Is this up to date based on what was discussed in the last meeting on Friday? It looks okay, but I am not sure about the sync - what option we decided to go with. I think number 1?

githengi commented 4 years ago

Yes number 1 was chosen where features would be generated at runtime during client processing. Where GPS coordinates are saved as the features in the structures table