[ ] The Draft Monthly Tab title is appended with the number of draft report: “Draft Monthly ([number of drafts])”
[ ] When on this tab, the yellow underline is under the Draft Monthly tab
[ ] This tab will open by default when you click Service Activity reporting
[ ] ~If no drafts, Icon is displayed as in figure 1 below. @rowo can you provide this icon~
[ ] ~If no drafts, Text: “No Draft Reports” as in figure 1 below~
[ ] ~To start a new report, click "Start New Report"~
[ ] If there is/are draft(s), each draft report is a new row
[ ] If there is/are draft(s), first row of text is the “[Month] [Year]” in the draft report(#82 )
[ ] If there is/are draft(s), Second row of text in the draft report is “Started [date started taken from device]”
[ ] If there are multiple drafts, they can be stored in reverse chronological order. Ideally, this would be reverse chronological order by the report month, instead of when the report is started. @manutarus @paulinembabu Would this be technically a lot more work to change? If so, when the report is started can be used
[ ] All available reports, will appear as a draft.