opensrp / opensrp-client-reporting

In app Reporting Client Library
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Service activity counts aggregated for CHW and HF - HF [PLACE] #84

Open msschroeder opened 4 years ago

msschroeder commented 4 years ago

Women clients

Indicator How it is calculated
New, pregnant mothers visited this month Count of ANC registrations
Prior pregnant mothers visited this month Count of ANC women with an ANC home visit task
Total pregnant mother visited this month Count of last 2 indicators
Number of PNC women visited this month Count of PNC women with a PNC home visit task
Total women visited this month Total from all women in this section

Newborn and children clients

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of newborns (< 1 m) visited this month Count of PNC home visits per month for one mother times no_children_no + Count of child home visits filtered by children with age < 1 month
Number of children (1m - 1 yr) visited this month Count of child home visits filtered by children with age >= 1 m and age < 1 yr
Number of children (1 yr - 5 yrs) visited this month Count of child home visits filtered by children with age >= 1 yr and age <= 5 yr
Total number of children (under 5 yrs) Total form all the children


Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of household visited this month Default 0 value

Referrals given

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women given a referral for the health facility Count of malaria referrals plus Count of ANC referrals + Count of PNC referrals + Count of FP referrals
Number of newborns (< 1 m) given a referral to the health facility Count of PNC referrals (???) plus Count of sick child referrals filtered by age< 1m
Number of children (1m - 1 yr) given a referral to the health facility Count of sick child referrals filtered by age >= 1m and age < 1 yr
Number of children (1yr - 5 yrs) given a referral to a health facility Count of sick child referrals filtered by age >= 1 yr and age <= 5 yr
Total number of people given a referral Total form this section plus Count of Malaria Referrals

Health Education meetings

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of health education meetings this month Default value of zero
Number of people who attended health education meetings this month Default value of zero

Birth and death information

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who died at home/in the village NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Total number of maternal deaths NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of newborn (<29 days) deaths at home/in the village NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Total number of newborn (<29 days) deaths NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of newborns (1m - 1 yr) deaths at home/in the village NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Total number of newborn (1m - 1 yr) deaths NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of children (1yr - 5yrs) deaths at home/in the village NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Total number of children (1yr - 5yrs) deaths NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who gave birth at home Count of pregnancy outcome forms with delivery_place = "At home"
Number of women who gave birth at home with the health of a traditional healer Count of pregnancy outcome forms with delivery_place = "At home" and delivery_home = "She gave birth at home with the help of a traditional midwife"
Number of women who gave birth on the way to the health facility Count of pregnancy outcome forms with delivery_place = "On the way to the health facility"
Total number of women who gave birth at home Count of all women in this section

Family planning

Number of new women clients - 10 - 14 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of new clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are not already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = no) and age >= 10 and age <=14
Number of return women clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = yes) and age >= 10 and age <=14
Total number of return clients Total of this section

Number of new women clients - 15 - 19 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of new clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are not already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = no) and age >= 15 and age <=19
Number of return women clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = yes) and age >= 15 and age <=19
Total number of return clients Total of this section

Number of new women clients - 20 - 24 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of new clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are not already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = no) and age >= 20 and age <=24
Number of return women clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = yes) and age >= 20 and age <=24
Total number of return clients Total of this section

Number of new women clients - 25 years +

Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of new clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are not already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = no) and age >= 25
Number of return women clients Count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = yes) and age >= 25
Total number of return clients Total of this section

Number of new women clients - Total

Indicator How it is calculated
Total number of new clients Total count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are not already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = no)
Number of return women clients Total count of FP registrations and filtered by those that are already on a family planning method (i.e. using_method = yes)
Total number of return clients Total of this section

Oral Contraceptive Pills (new and return users) - 10 - 14 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women using POP Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = POP and filtered by age >= 10 and age <=14
Number of women using COC Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = COC and filtered by age >= 10 and age <=14
Number of women who used emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor 2) Count from FP registration where fp_method_accepted = emergency contraceptive and filtered by age >= 10 and age <=14
Total number of women using oral contraceptive pills Total of all this section’s clients

Oral Contraceptive Pills (new and return users) - 15 - 19 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women using POP Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = POP and filtered by age >= 15 and age <=19
Number of women using COC Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = COC and filtered by age >= 15 and age <=19
Number of women who used emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor 2) Count from FP registration where fp_method_accepted = emergency contraceptive and filtered by age >= 15 and age <=19
Total number of women using oral contraceptive pills Total of all this section’s clients

Oral Contraceptive Pills (new and return users) - 20 - 24 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women using POP Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = POP and filtered by age >= 20 and age <=24
Number of women using COC Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = COC and filtered by age >= 20 and age <=24
Number of women who used emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor 2) Count from FP registration where fp_method_accepted = emergency contraceptive and filtered by age >= 20 and age <=24
Total number of women using oral contraceptive pills Total of all this section’s clients

Oral Contraceptive Pills (new and return users) - 25+ years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women using POP Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = POP and filtered by age >= 25
Number of women using COC Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = COC and filtered by age >= 25
Number of women who used emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor 2) Count from FP registration where fp_method_accepted = emergency contraceptive and filtered by age >= 25
Total number of women using oral contraceptive pills Total of all this section’s clients

Oral Contraceptive Pills (new and return users) - Total

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women using POP Total count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = POP
Number of women using COC Total count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = COC
Number of women who used emergency contraceptive pills (Postinor 2) Total count from FP registration where fp_method_accepted = emergency contraceptive
Total number of women using oral contraceptive pills Total of all this section’s clients

Condom (new and return users) - 10 - 14 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who took male condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = male condoms and filtered by age >= 10 and age <=14
Number of women who took female condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = female condoms and filtered by age >= 10 and age <=14
Total number of clients using condoms Total from this section

Condom (new and return users) - 15 - 19 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who took male condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = male condoms and filtered by age >= 15 and age <=19
Number of women who took female condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = female condoms and filtered by age >= 15 and age <=19
Total number of clients using condoms Total from this section

Condom (new and return users) - 20 - 24 years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who took male condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = male condoms and filtered by age >= 20 and age <=24
Number of women who took female condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = female condoms and filtered by age >= 20 and age <=24
Total number of clients using condoms Total from this section

Condom (new and return users) - 25 + years

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who took male condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = male condoms and filtered by age >= 25
Number of women who took female condoms Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = female condoms and filtered by age >= 25
Total number of clients using condoms Total from this section

Condom (new and return users) - Total

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women who took male condoms Total count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = male condoms
Number of women who took female condoms Total count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = female condoms
Total number of clients using condoms Total from this section


Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women given cycle beads (10 -14 years) Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = Standard day method
Number of women given cycle beads (15 -19 years) Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = Standard day method
Number of women given cycle beads (20 -24 years) Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = Standard day method
Number of women given cycle beads (25+ years) Count of FP registration/Stop or Change Method where fp_method_accepted = Standard day method
Total number of women given cycle beads Total from this sections


Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women advised on family planning (10 - 14 years) NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of women advised on family planning (15 - 19 years) NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of women advised on family planning (20 - 24 years) NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Number of women advised on family planning (25+ years) NOT SURE HOW TO GET THIS VALUE
Total number of women advised on family planning Total from this section

Medicine distributed

Indicator How it is calculated
Number of emergency contraceptive packets distributed (10 - 14 years) Count of FP registration where fp_method_accepted = Emergency Contraceptive
Number of emergency contraceptive packets distributed (15 - 19 years) Count of FP registration where fp_method_accepted = Emergency Contraceptive
Number of emergency contraceptive packets distributed (20 - 24 years) Count of FP registration where fp_method_accepted = Emergency Contraceptive
Number of emergency contraceptive packets distributed (25+ years) Count of FP registration where fp_method_accepted = Emergency Contraceptive
Total number of emergency contraceptive packets distributed Total from this section


Indicator How it is calculated
Number of women given referrals (10 - 14 years) Count of FP Referral
Number of women given referrals (15 - 19 years) Count of FP Referral
Number of women given referrals (20 - 24 years) Count of FP Referral
Number of women given referrals (25 + years) Count of FP Referral
Total number of women given referrals Total of this section