Open rkodev opened 4 years ago
Number of registered households query
select count(distinct base_entity_id) from core.event_metadata em where event_type in ('Family Registration','Floating Family Registration') and team_id in
(select distinct o.identifier from team.organization_location ol inner join team.organization o on = ol.organization_id where ol.plan_id = 100);
select count(distinct for_owner)
from (
select t."json"->>'for' for_owner, t."json"->>'code' code, t."json"->>'status' status, t."json"->>'businessStatus' businessStatus , t."json"->>'groupIdentifier' groupIdentifier
from core.task_metadata tm
inner join core.task t on = tm.task_id
where plan_identifier = 'c6c4f7d2-9cc8-5b63-883f-ca1c436da0b8'
) task_list
where code in ('RACD Register Family','Floating Family Registration') and status = 'Completed'
and businessStatus not in ('Visited, Denied consent','Ineligible','Included in another household');
How many QR codes were distributed
select count(distinct base_entity_id) from core.event_metadata em where event_type in ('Structure QR') and team_id in
(select distinct o.identifier from team.organization_location ol inner join team.organization o on = ol.organization_id where ol.plan_id = 100);
How many households consented
select count(distinct base_entity_id) from core.event_metadata em where event_type in ('Family Registration','Floating Family Registration') and team_id in
(select distinct o.identifier from team.organization_location ol inner join team.organization o on = ol.organization_id where ol.plan_id = 100)
select count (distinct em.base_entity_id) from core.event_metadata em where event_type in ('Family Registration Consent Denied') and team_id in
(select distinct o.identifier from team.organization_location ol inner join team.organization o on = ol.organization_id where ol.plan_id = 100);
Total number of children under 15 reported
select count (distinct cm.base_entity_id)
from core.event_metadata em
inner join core.client_metadata cm on cm.base_entity_id = em.base_entity_id
where event_type in ('Family Member Registration') and em.team_id in
(select distinct o.identifier from team.organization_location ol inner join team.organization o on = ol.organization_id where ol.plan_id = 100)
and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM age(cast(cm.birth_date as date))) <= 15;
User request