Makes these changes to the Daily Summary Form for Senegal.
Include the following missing fields:
include “Please write the name of the Zone/Location:”.
include “Select the SA(s) that this spray operator worked in today”, this should be a drop-down of spray areas visited on that day.
include "District Manager name".
include "Name of Coordinator/Decision Maker/Supervisor".
include "Name of Team Leader who conducted observation:".
include "Name of Data Collector completing the form".
update "How many full sachets were RECEIVED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many full bottles/sachets were RECEIVED by the SOP at the beginning of the day?".
update "How many FULL sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many FULL bottles/sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the end of the day?".
update "How many EMPTY sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many EMPTY bottles/sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the end of the day?".
update "How many sachets were lost or damaged?" to "How many sachets/bottles were lost or damaged?".
update note "A total of ${bottles_accounted} sachets are unaccounted for" to "A total of ${bottles_accounted} bottles / sachets are unaccounted for.".
update "Select a reason for the unaccounted sachets" to "Select a reason for the unaccounted bottles/sachets for SOP ${sprayop_name} below:".
update "Please write the reason for the unaccounted sachets" to "Please write the reason for the unaccounted bottles/sachets for SOP ${sprayop_name}:".
Makes these changes to the Daily Summary Form for Senegal.
Include the following missing fields:
include “Please write the name of the Zone/Location:”.
include “Select the SA(s) that this spray operator worked in today”, this should be a drop-down of spray areas visited on that day.
include "District Manager name".
include "Name of Coordinator/Decision Maker/Supervisor".
include "Name of Team Leader who conducted observation:".
include "Name of Data Collector completing the form".
update "How many full sachets were RECEIVED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many full bottles/sachets were RECEIVED by the SOP at the beginning of the day?".
update "How many FULL sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many FULL bottles/sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the end of the day?".
update "How many EMPTY sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the beginning of the day" to "How many EMPTY bottles/sachets were RETURNED by the SOP at the end of the day?".
update "How many sachets were lost or damaged?" to "How many sachets/bottles were lost or damaged?".
update note "A total of ${bottles_accounted} sachets are unaccounted for" to "A total of ${bottles_accounted} bottles / sachets are unaccounted for.".
update "Select a reason for the unaccounted sachets" to "Select a reason for the unaccounted bottles/sachets for SOP ${sprayop_name} below:".
update "Please write the reason for the unaccounted sachets" to "Please write the reason for the unaccounted bottles/sachets for SOP ${sprayop_name}:".