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Extend openmrs connector to include scheduling data #68

Closed cafootitt closed 8 years ago

ndisha commented 9 years ago

@maimoonak worked on the data format for the schedules data:

Alisa added the following comments:

Also, if any edits to the schedule are made (ie. manual deletion of schedule for a particular patient) would be good to track this.

For analytics - we will be interested in being able to track numbers of services delivered on time & also pull out cohorts of people that are overdue or nearly overdue and target them with a SMS reminder (these will need to pull info from Schedule, Status & Client ID).

For reporting - we will want to make use of all of these indicators/data also.

@sohelsarder @julkarnain @cagulas @koros @dimasciput Just flagging this format out, does it work for Bangladesh as well? @maimoonak would like to finish on this.

sohelsarder commented 9 years ago

@ndisha these will cover Bangladesh requirements as well, but one items i would like to add, with each schedule data we need to keep trace of its parent schedule reference to browse the total hierarchy of the events.

ndisha commented 9 years ago

@maimoonak the question that Alisa raised on, what is next to this, would that be the flow that would then give us the hierarchy that @sohelsarder is asking for? For example, if the completion of a schedule action is movement to another register, that history can be traced at whatever point?

Please clarify or add the item on the list.

cafootitt commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to flag that the trigger date is NOT when the service is due. The trigger date is the date that is used to trigger the schedule. For example, polio 1 vaccine service schedule is triggered when a child is born; hence, the trigger date is the child's birth date, and it is used to calculate the due date. The due date is: child's birth date + 6 wks. Hope that makes sense. It's small, but important difference.

Also, to give an idea of the types of indicators science teams may want to calculate for service schedules, pls see this spreadsheet that was created for Dristhi. For example:

Indicator 1: On time ANC1 Definition: Of those ANC women who received ANC1 service this month, what proportion was done on time (yellow/blue reminder)?

Indicator 2: Late ANC1 Definition: Of those ANC women who received ANC1 service this month, what proportion was done late (red reminder)?

Indicator 3: Missed ANC1 Definition: Number of women who missed ANC1 this month (reminder expires).

Hope this helps.

maimoonak commented 9 years ago

Below is the complete info of available data in OpenSRP for scheduling and alerts. OpenMRS may require multiple tables for handling the data. The data available can answer following

@cagulas The indicator data is not covered in this scheduling part. One can calculate the indicators from encounter data and scheduling data. We can do it via Reporting once scheduling data is made available in OpenMRS..

Possible Values
Proposed Field Name in OpenMRS
Action - -
Action anmIdentifier provider uuid or username
Action caseID beneficiary uuid
Action data allowed to add custom but predefined via ActionData
listed below beneficiaryType register entities (mother, child, ec)
scheduleName schedule name specified in JSON health schedules. (ANC Visit/ lab reminder etc)
scheduleName visitCode any milestone of specified schedule in JSON.(ANC1/ANC2/ANC3/)
milestone alertStatus upcoming, normal, urgent, inProcess, complete alertStatus startDate startDate of milestone of specified schedule
alertStartDate expiryDate expiryDate of milestone of specified schedule alertExpiryDate completionDate completionDate of milestone OR schedule (weird but closing alert generates a separate Record)
alertCompletionDate reasonForClose reasonForClose of beneficiary not milestone (weird but generates new Record) alertCloseReason [Action.actionTarget =report] annualTarget ignore for now
- [Action.actionTarget =report] monthlySummaries ignore for now
Action actionTarget alert, report
Action actionType createAlert, closeAlert, close,
indicator [actionTarget=report]
Action isActionActive true, false (alerts marked as inactive on unenrolling beneficiary from schedule)
Action timeStamp alert/action creation time
Action details did not find the usage anywhere
EnrollmentRecord externalId beneficiary uuid
beneficiaryId (used to connect Action with Schedule)
EnrollmentRecord scheduleName schedule name in JSON
scheduleName (used to connect Action with Schedule)
EnrollmentRecord preferredAlertTime preferred time configured by properties file
EnrollmentRecord referenceDateTime trigger date
EnrollmentRecord enrollmentDateTime date on which beneficiary enrolled
EnrollmentRecord startingMilestoneName starting milestone incase earlier ones are missed or skipped
EnrollmentRecord earliestStart earliest window start datetime of current milestone
EnrollmentRecord dueStart due window start datetime of current milestone currentMilestoneDueStart
EnrollmentRecord lateStart late window start datetime of current milestone currentMilestoneLateStart
EnrollmentRecord maxStart max window start datetime of current milestone currentMilestoneMaxStart
Enrollment startOfSchedule trigger date (not confirmed)
EnrollmentRecord currentMilestoneName milestone under process at the moment
Enrollment status ACTIVE, DEFAULTED, COMPLETED, UNENROLLED enrollmentStatus
EnrollmentRecord metadata not used anywhere
Enrollment. MilestoneFulfillment fulfillments milestones fulfilled for specified schedule
MilestoneFulfillment milestoneName milestone name in fulfilled milestone list
MilestoneFulfillment fulfillmentDateTime milestone fulfillment date in fulfilled milestone list milestoneFulfillmentDate
maimoonak commented 9 years ago

Thanks Carolyn. This is very important point to keep in mind when designing system and I wasn't aware of it. I would like to mention one thing that is there is difference between the scheduling data and reporting requirements of indicators. Means that scheduling component would allow access to all data regarding scheduling including all types of timestamps, group info , beneficiaries, providers etc. But the indicator info is generated from person event data and scheduling data. It is helpful for us to understand the requirements clearly but scheduling will not be based on indicators. Let me share our understanding of system in next email... then you can provide your input on whether it fulfills all reporting requirements...

cafootitt commented 9 years ago

Thanks @maimoonak. Understood. I just wanted to share that in a comment, so we're aware of likely reporting needs to make sure all data that we need for reporting needs is covered in the connector module. From your response, it seems like everything is covered. Thx.

maimoonak commented 9 years ago

Attached is the diagram of identified entities for OpenMRS scheduler tracker. Since this is priority the scheduletracker would be data store only with REST API. In next phase it would be refined further for scheduling capacity in OpenMRS.


maimoonak commented 9 years ago

@sohelsarder @julkarnain @ndisha the basic arch of schedule data syncing added with completed schedules pushed to openmrs. The functionality although needs detailed testing and more work but can be used to test response to different schedules and to get an idea of hat type of changes you may need to merge in your branch. The functionality is NOT usable in field at the moment. Please test and provide your feedback. The openmrs side omod link is below and opensrp branch is

Two days of more dedicated work can make the module in stable and releaseable state. Hopefully, by next week we can get it fully done and tested.

sohelsarder commented 9 years ago

@maimoonak thats a excellent initiative, it is understandable some changes required for different schedule requirements. Please let us know while minimal viable things ready for check we would merge then with our branch and send you our observations.

maimoonak commented 9 years ago

@sohelsarder The pull request has been created for the work done. Please test code for your branch. I have added test cases for HH data and as well as different scenarios too. Steps to make it work.

sohelsarder commented 9 years ago

Thanks for these hard works, I have some quick questions to reconfirm my understanding about the steps you asked to follow.

Download omod from link provided --- i can't download omod, i think you need to allow me permission there.
Upload OR Clean and reupload if already exists on server --- is this mean upload that omod file  into openmrs module directory to install that module.
Upload Your Json schedule on openmrs schedule tracker from UI.---- i think after 1&2 it will clear, just a quick check did you install that openmrs module in ona openmrs instance and i can quick check that UI?
Merge with your branch and run war file--- you mean merging with branch 81connectorExtend_mk?
Should push all new schedules to OpenMRS or Log error in error-tracker module.
NOTE: Old schedules would be ignored.
maimoonak commented 9 years ago


ndisha commented 8 years ago

@sohelsarder, did you manage to install and test the schedules module? Have you done any end to end test from the OpenSRP client side? Any feedback?

@numeranazneen any observations on this?

sohelsarder commented 8 years ago

@ndisha We did not reach openmrs part yet, but we merged the changes and checking whether earlier functional part still working as well with modified forms and after merging of several changes from different branch.

maimoonak commented 8 years ago

84 Done!!