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Desgin and plan user configurable register view #18

Open maimoonak opened 7 years ago

rowo commented 7 years ago

Here's an approach for discussion:

We have three main registers available that patients/cases can move through, presumptive, positive and in-treatment. Within those, there are a few configurable parts shown below.


A potential list of columns is:

@maimoonak @alihabib I'm curious about the approach — it can either be some sort of pre-defined list like the above, or very open where a user can assign a column to any field in a the form (like having a yes/no column for "Does this person eat pizza?")

alihabib commented 7 years ago

In my opinion allowing a closed list of what we think will be the typical things to ad/remove might be the way to go.

Given that we are allowing users to change forms though, it could potentially cause a situation where someone someone has added something to one of the forms that they think is vital to have showing up in the register. I think this would be an edge case if we get the list right to start with however.

rowo commented 7 years ago

@alihabib @kwasim Cool, I'm okay with that approach.

I had a few questions on a few of the columns:

We could just have an unordered list for any of the above, same as what's fed from the forms, but I was wondering if we should make it more visual and easier to read given these will be in most registers and is an opportunity to differentiate — like the red plusses that were in the early mockups. Any ideas for these columns or other special columns that would be good for TB?

alihabib commented 7 years ago

The pluses still work really well for test results for smear and culture but perhaps a change in colour would be needed if we use colours for progress (see below)

For GeneXpert the results are different (e.g. MTB +ve, -ve or error and RIF +ve,-ve,indeterminate). If there was a way to visually differentiate those types of results from smear and culture that would be nice. I've not seen this done anywhere in the TB world so not really sure what it would need to look like

For the results comparison, red to indicate declining progress or green/blue to indicate improvement would be nice but we also don't want to overwhelm the user with colours.

For regimen the standard way to show it us to use the short names for the drugs.

rowo commented 7 years ago

For these registers:

What're predetermined in registers:

What's configurable in registers: