openssl / general-policies

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Modify the commit workflow to allow some unrecorded reviews #48

Closed levitte closed 1 year ago

levitte commented 1 year ago

This is connected to the effort to have releases being staged automatically. The automaton that performs this sort of staging cannot know who's going to be the reviewer, so our previous habit of pre-setting the commits with the intended reviewer is not possible to do any more, and changing them later with addrev would remove any signature the automaton adds, for example on the release tag.

We therefore need to make an exception with such commits.

Fixes #49

levitte commented 1 year ago

Okie, if there are no further comments, I'll start the vote tomorrow

levitte commented 1 year ago

Opening vote (this post to be edited as votes come in)

Topic: Modify the commit workflow to allow some unrecorded reviews
Proposed by: Richard Levitte
Opened: 2023-06-13
Closed: 2023-06-15
Accepted:  yes  (for: 5, against: 0, abstained: 0, not yet voted: 1)

  Matt       [+1]
  Mark       [+1]
  Pauli      [+1]
  Tim        [+1]
  Richard    [+1]
  Kurt       [  ]
paulidale commented 1 year ago


mattcaswell commented 1 year ago

I'm ok with this change as far as it goes - but is it sufficient?, i.e. this text remains unchanged:

All submissions must be reviewed and approved by at least two committers, one of whom must also be an OTC member. Neither of the reviewers can be the author of the submission.

The sole exception to this is during the release process where the author's review does count towards the two needed for the automated release process and NEWS and CHANGES file updates.

The change in this PR only says that the review is done by "other means" and we don't record it in the commits. It doesn't remove the need for it to be reviewed and approved by at least two committers one of whom must also be an OTC member. Is the plan that the review will still take place...but just after the commits have been made?

Anyway, as I said, I'm ok with this change as far as it goes:


mspncp commented 1 year ago


paulidale commented 1 year ago

@iamamoose @t-j-h @kroeckx ??

iamamoose commented 1 year ago


t-j-h commented 1 year ago

[Vote +1]

levitte commented 1 year ago

Closing vote with the current result:

Accepted: yes (for: 5, against: 0, abstained: 0, not yet voted: 1)

levitte commented 1 year ago

Modification merged, along with a record of the vote as it currently stands

kroeckx commented 1 year ago

Voting +1