As a Bron user,
I want to be able to filter search results by source and government body, and more details in the search results,
so that I can quickly find and filter relevant search results and manage alerts effectively.
Acceptance criteria
1. Filters
A collapsible filter section where users can:
Select specific databases (e.g., Raadsbesluiten, Woo-besluiten).
Choose specific governmental organizations or regions to narrow down the search scope.
Set date ranges (with clear sorting functionality by date).
Filters should be sticky to maintain context as users scroll through results.
3. Search Results
Each result card displays key information, including:
Title, source, date of the document, and the database it's pulled from.
Downloadable attachments (e.g., PDF documents) clearly visible with buttons for instant access.
A visual indicator if the result contains open council information or other high-priority government data.
Results are sortable by relevance or date.
Pagination or infinite scroll for large result sets, maintaining performance and readability.
4. Alerts and RSS
Users can easily create or manage alerts and feeds directly from the search page.
Options to subscribe to email alerts or RSS feeds appear on the right side of the results, ensuring quick access.
A preview of recent alert results helps users verify the effectiveness of their subscriptions before committing.
Additional information
The new search/feed interface is available to authenticated users only.
User story
As a Bron user, I want to be able to filter search results by source and government body, and more details in the search results, so that I can quickly find and filter relevant search results and manage alerts effectively.
Acceptance criteria
1. Filters
3. Search Results
4. Alerts and RSS
Additional information