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Can not checkout the project on windows #833

Closed thibaultleouay closed 1 month ago

thibaultleouay commented 2 months ago

Because of @mintlify file some contributors cannot checkout the project

see :

          hey @thibaultleouay 

locally cloning the repo fails due to invalid path. I have attached logs below:

error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/incident/get-incident:id.mdx'
fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

Even when i tried checking out to main, the same thing happened.

> git checkout -q main
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/incident/get-incident:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/incident/put-incident:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/monitor/delete-monitor:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/monitor/get-monitor:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/monitor/get-monitor:id/summary.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/monitor/put-monitor:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/notification/get-notification:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/page/get-page:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/page/post-page:id/update.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/page/put-page:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/status_report/delete-status_report:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/status_report/get-status_report:id.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/status_report/post-status_report:id/update.mdx'
error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/status_report_update/get-status_report_update:id.mdx'

Originally posted by @Abbhiishek in

thibaultleouay commented 1 month ago

@Abbhiishek cab you try to checkout the doc again please?

Abbhiishek commented 1 month ago

Nope it still says

error: invalid path 'apps/docs/api-reference/page/get-page:id.mdx'


thibaultleouay commented 1 month ago

@Abbhiishek it has been solved