openstax / cnx-recipes

The extended CSS recipes for cooking openstax books
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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allow computer science to bake without math elements #5579

Open kswanson33 opened 2 days ago

kswanson33 commented 2 days ago

probably need to remove BakeMathInParagraph from recipe

AC: computer-science bakes without errors and without an empty math tag in the content

openstaxalina commented 2 days ago

@yblock sometime today, can you remove the empty mathml element (the one you found yesterday) on a branch so that we can test this PR?

(please only remove it on a branch because if removed on main, WW will be back to not being able to build the book in CORGI)

yblock commented 2 days ago

Sure, here you go

kswanson33 commented 2 days ago

QA: can you please test on cookbook main and the computer science branch linked above? thanks!

openstaxalina commented 2 days ago

@omehes pinging here in case you don't see this moved to the Ready for Testing column

omehes commented 2 days ago

@kswanson33 @openstaxalina as I understand, I should run an enki job to see that it succeeds (all-web and/or all-pdf)? something like: ./enki --command all-web --data-dir ./data5/icompsc --repo osbooks-introduction-computer-science --ref removed-mathml-tag --book-slug introduction-computer-science --clear-data with cookbook folder on main

omehes commented 2 days ago

testing: updated cookbook and ce-styles main branches ./enki --command all-web --data-dir ./data6/icompsc3 --repo osbooks-introduction-computer-science --ref removed-mathml-tag --book-slug introduction-computer-science --clear-data and all-web

both jobs succeeded checked the pdf doc - looks good

kswanson33 commented 2 days ago

thank you!