easily edit metadata (like sharing with other people)
Derive a Copy of an Existing Book/Page
You can:
derive a copy of an existing Page
You cannot:
derive a copy of an existing Book (bug)
easily edit metadata (like sharing with other people). Hidden; usage not clear. (gap)
Editing Things
There are 2 major things that can be edited, a Page in a book (figures, exercises, math), and the Organizational Structure of a book (chapters, chapter order)
Book Editing
In a book, you can:
create/rename/remove a new Chapter
reorder Chapters
edit metadata (permissions, attribution, summary)
You currently cannot:
move a Page easily (bug) (need to move mouse until you see crosshairs/grabby hand cursor)
move a Page to a chapter (bug)
search your draft book (gap)
Page Editing
You can:
change the title
change the metadata (ie permissions, attributions, keywords)
refresh the page
You cannot:
currently see a prompt when you have unsaved changes
difficult to focus on various elements
copy and paste is clunky
Page HTML Editing
You can:
edit the Type and Title
set a custom class (currently used for PDF versions)
You cannot:
see the styling of the note if it has a custom type/class (gap)
You can:
do basic editing, add/remove cells, remove the table
add a custom class
You cannot:
select an entire row/column (gap)
provide a caption/title (gap)
Link edit:
You can:
copy and paste elements into the "clipboard" (not the Operating System one)
add up to 3 headings, and a code block
bold/italic/underline/subscript/superscript/lists (ordered and unordered), indent/outdent
You can link to:
part of this page (heading, example, note, equation)
external website
an uploaded document
You cannot:
link to another part of the book
You can:
move the figure by dragging
upload an image
add/edit alt text
add/edit the title and caption
add/edit attribution for the image
add/edit subfigures
specify a custom class
You cannot:
drag an image to upload (gap)
resize an image (gap)
Note: currently saved as data-uri
You can:
enter/edit LaTeX, ASCIIMath, or MathML
preview as you type
click anywhere in the Math to open it
place your cursor immediately before or after the formula (useful when in a Note/Equation)
use an equation "cheat sheet" instead of memorizing LaTeX/ASCIIMath
You cannot:
edit very large and complex math formulas
You can:
upload youtube, maybe vimeo, and some others
You can:
drag to move
copy/paste into the clipboard
insert/edit the problem
add/remove solutions
add a custom class and type
You can:
edit the title and content
drag to move
Same as example, except no title and in the case of Definition: you define the term and its meaning (eventually gets pulled into the glossary)
Ways of Starting
Create a new Book/Page
You can create a new Book and Page
You cannot:
Derive a Copy of an Existing Book/Page
You can:
You cannot:
Editing Things
There are 2 major things that can be edited, a Page in a book (figures, exercises, math), and the Organizational Structure of a book (chapters, chapter order)
Book Editing
In a book, you can:
create/rename/remove a new Chapter
edit metadata (permissions, attribution, summary)
You currently cannot:
Page Editing
You can:
change the metadata (ie permissions, attributions, keywords)
You cannot:
Page HTML Editing
You can:
You cannot:
You can:
You cannot:
Link edit:
You can:
You can link to:
You cannot:
You can:
You cannot:
Note: currently saved as data-uri
You can:
You cannot:
You can:
You can:
You can:
Same as example, except no title and in the case of Definition: you define the term and its meaning (eventually gets pulled into the glossary)