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OpenStax Textbooks for Follett Discover #2274

Closed nyxer95 closed 7 years ago

nyxer95 commented 8 years ago

Follett Discover needs a feed our textbooks. I started a spreadsheet with the fields that they requested:

I filled it in for US History as a example. For more information, see samples from other oer vendors below. However, if you have any questions, please contact Karen Vasey

When the spreadsheet is complete with info about all of our published textbooks, please email the following people :

Here is information that Follett Discover folks have provided:

So far the data structure we have been maintaining for various OERs, _id, oer_type, detailUrl, title, source, oldSource, description, description_long, pubdate, isbn13, url, image, discipline, subject[], subjects[]

_Sample Coursera_ OER Name O/P document Coursera { "_id" : "OER:Yo-AmZ7hEeWVBgpelZA5Jw", "_class" : "com.betterknow.batch.material.model.oer.Oer", "oer_type" : "v2.ondemand", "title" : "Éléments de Géomatique", "source" : "Coursera", "description" : "Les nouvelles technologies de l’information ont facilité l’accès à de nombreuses bases de données offrant au grand public, mais surtout aux professionnels, une multitude de services. Le domaine de l’information géographique a également suivi ce mouvement en modernisant l’ensemble des supports, des plans, des cartes topographiques et de tous les types de données à référence spatiale. Face au déploiement massif des cartes numériques et des nombreux services basés sur la localisation, il s’agit de rester critique et surtout de développer les capacités nécessaires afin de choisir les outils et jeux de géodonnées adaptés aux besoins professionnels. \n\nC’est dans cette optique que ce cours propose de développer les éléments fondamentaux de la géomatique en décrivant les domaines clés que sont: les références géodésiques, les techniques d’acquisition des géodonnées, la topométrie, la localisation par satellites et la modélisation et représentation du terrain.\n\nCet enseignement est proposé aux futurs ingénieurs et architectes qui ont recours aux géodonnées pour la réalisation de projets d’aménagement, de construction, de gestion de l’environnement, de transport et de développement territorial. Dans ces domaines, l’accès aux données à référence spatiale ainsi qu’une connaissance des sources d’information et de leur qualité sont donc primordiales pour la conduite de projets.", "isbn13" : "OER:Yo-AmZ7hEeWVBgpelZA5Jw", "url" : "", "image" : "", "discipline" : "Law", "subject" : [ "law construction", "allied health services respiratory therapy", "allied health services hypnotherapy", "political science public affairs & administration", "allied health services medical technology", "allied health services medical assistants", "language arts & disciplines public speaking", "political science public policy", "allied health services general", "history reference", "art techniques", "foreign language study english as a second language", "allied health services massage therapy", "allied health services radiological & ultrasound technology", "technology & engineering construction", "photography techniques", "allied health services physical therapy", "allied health services emergency medical services", "nursing reference", "allied health services occupational therapy" ], "subjects" : [ "30_25", "10_7", "170_16", "10_6", "10_5", "10_4", "10_3", "220_21", "10_2", "10_1", "170", "270", "150_22", "150", "320_8", "250", "10_9", "130", "10_8", "160_11", "250_5", "30", "10", "270_16", "270_17", "160", "220", "320", "130_11", "10_10" ] }

_Sample Nature.com_

{ "_id" : "OER:http_dx_doi_org_10_1038_33508", "_class" : "com.betterknow.batch.material.model.oer.Oer", "oertype" : "issue", "detailUrl" : "", "title" : "News in Brief", "source" : "Naturecom", "isbn13" : "OER:httpdx_doi_org_10_1038_33508", "oldSource" : "", "url" : "", "discipline" : "Mathematics", "subject" : [ "mathematics applied" ], "pubdate" : "1998-04-16", "type" : "oer", "subjects" : [ "190_2", "190" ] }

_Sample Khan Academy_ { "_id" : "OER:101104459", "description" : "Difference between BC, BCE, AD and CE. A little bit about the birth of Jesus as well....", "description_long" : "Difference between BC, BCE, AD and CE. A little bit about the birth of Jesus as well. ", "detailUrl" : "", "image" : "", "isbn13" : "OER:101104459", "oer_type" : "Video", "oldSource" : "Khan Academy", "owner" : " - KhanAcademy ", "pubdate" : "2011-05-30T23:28:45Z", "sales_a" : NumberLong(2583), "source" : "Khan Academy", "title" : "Understanding Calendar Notation", "unix_pubdate" : NumberLong(1306798125), "url" : "", "discipline" : "Khan", "subjects" : [ "1000", "1000_1" ] }

_Sample OWSSearch_ { "_id" : "OER:1e6cba2d90cd73ccb160c7c8816ab715", "_class" : "com.betterknow.batch.material.model.oer.Oer", "oer_type" : "course", "title" : "Evolutionary Biology", "source" : "OCWsearch", "description" : "This course will look at the various mechanisms of evolution, how these mechanisms work, and how change is measured. After a review of the evolutionary concepts of selection and speciation, the course will examine methods of investigating and interpreting evolutionary change, wrapping up with a look at the history of life according to the fossil record and a discussion of the broad range of life forms as they are currently classified. This free course may be completed online at any time. See course site for detailed overview and learning outcomes. (Biology 312)", "isbn13" : "OER:1e6cba2d90cd73ccb160c7c8816ab715", "oldSource" : "OCWSearch", "url" : "", "description_long" : "This course will look at the various mechanisms of evolution, how these mechanisms work, and how change is measured. After a review of the evolutionary concepts of selection and speciation, the course will examine methods of investigating and interpreting evolutionary change, wrapping up with a look at the history of life according to the fossil record and a discussion of the broad range of life forms as they are currently classified. This free course may be completed online at any time. See course site for detailed overview and learning outcomes. (Biology 312)", "discipline" : "History", "subject" : [ "history revolutionary" ], "type" : "oer", "subjects" : [ "150_24", "150" ] } _Sample Merlot_ { "_id" : "ML:90891", "_class" : "com.betterknow.batch.material.model.oer.Oer", "oer_type" : "merlot", "detailUrl" : "", "author" : [ "George P... Landow", " Professor of English and Art History" ], "title" : "The Victorian Web", "source" : "Merlot", "description" : "Extensive information about the Victorian era is available in sections such as: the Victorians, political history, social history, gender matters, philosophy, religion, science, technology, genre and technique, authors, viusal arts, Victorian design, and much more.", "isbn13" : "ML:90891", "oldSource" : "Merlot", "url" : "", "discipline" : "Art", "subject" : [ "religion religion & science", "art history", "philosophy political", "philosophy social", "art techniques" ], "subjects" : [ "30_25", "240_10", "290", "290_11", "30", "30_17", "240", "240_8" ] }

brittweinstein commented 7 years ago

Sent 10/13