openstf / minitouch

Minimal multitouch event producer for Android.
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The MiniTouch command is sent to the Android10 version of the mobile phone, the screen does not perform the command action, what is the reason? #67

Open EspenYan opened 4 years ago

EspenYan commented 4 years ago

I independently used MiniTouch to send commands to the following Android10 mobile phones, and the mobile phone screen did not respond to operations.

Device Information:(abi version:arm64-v8a) HUAWEI Mate20Pro:S2D7N18B26001522 device product:LYA-AL00L model:LYA_AL00 device:HWLYA transport_id:4 SamsungNote9:271ddb713f1c7ece device product:crownqltezc model:SM_N9600 device:crownqltechn transport_id:5

Here are my steps:

  1. Running the service:
    >adb shell am startservice -a -n
    Output: Starting service: Intent { }
    >adb forward tcp:1100 localabstract:stfservice
    Output: 1100
  2. Running the agent:
    >adb shell export CLASSPATH=/data/app/;exec app_process /system/bin
    Output:Starting minitouch agent
    Listening on @stfagent
    >adb forward tcp:1090 localabstract:stfagent
  3. Run MiniTouch:
    >adb shell /data/local/tmp/minitouch
    open: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/event1 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/event4 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/event3 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/mice for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/mouse0 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/event0 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
    Unable to open device /dev/input/event2 for inspectionUnable to find a suitable touch device
    using Android InputManager
    >adb forward tcp:1111 localabstract:minitouch

    Image of the minitouch command I sent: image

Is there a problem with my steps or the device does not support it? Thanks for answering

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