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ZeroMQ dependency could not be installed as instructed on Ubuntu 18 #1108

Open ardaozerten opened 4 years ago

ardaozerten commented 4 years ago

When I try to install requirements (dependencies) of STF, I am facing with difficulties installing zeroMQ properly on Ubuntu 18. I tried many ways to install ZeroMQ but I am failed. Below you can find the web sites that include instructions that I have followed to install that dependency:

After I tried to install all dependencies and stf itself, I executed "stf doctor" instruction on terminal and I receive an error message as below:

root@arda-VirtualBox:/# stf doctor
2019-10-03T07:32:17.993Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] OS Arch: x64
2019-10-03T07:32:17.994Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] OS Platform: linux
2019-10-03T07:32:17.995Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] OS Platform: 5.0.0-23-generic
2019-10-03T07:32:17.995Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Using Node 8.10.0
2019-10-03T07:32:18.076Z ERR/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Unexpected error checking ZeroMQ: Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried:
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Debug/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Release/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Debug/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/Debug/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Release/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/Release/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/default/zmq.node
 → /usr/local/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/zmq/compiled/8.10.0/linux/x64/zmq.node
2019-10-03T07:32:18.087Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Using GraphicsMagick 1.3.31
2019-10-03T07:32:18.092Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Using ProtoBuf 3.0.0
2019-10-03T07:32:18.096Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Using RethinkDB 2.3.7~0bionic
2019-10-03T07:32:18.096Z INF/cli:doctor 20686 [*] Using ADB `1.0.39`

I would really appreciate that if you guys help me on resolving this issue. I am blocked for like 4 days trying to install stf on a server and it is a really urgent need of mine.

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neuzou commented 4 years ago

I meet the same problem, did you solve it?

sudarkashyap commented 1 year ago

I am encountering similar issue. Would appreciate if any expert can provide solution.