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After login okta via saml, web page keep in "signing in to $web app name" #1308

Open SimonChou-17LIVE opened 2 years ago

SimonChou-17LIVE commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am using okta SSO -saml2.0 in my stf, but I meet some situations, it blocked us to use STF

What is the issue or idea you have?

  1. Webpage status: After login okta via saml, web page keep in "signing in to $web app name" again and again

Do you see errors or warnings in the stf local output? If so, please paste them or the full log here. stf logs show: 2021-10-12T06:36:26.467Z WRN/auth-saml2 16538 [*] Missing email in profile { issuer: { _: '', '$': { Format: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity', 'xmlns:saml2': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion' } }, sessionIndex: '_de1281da468bd8d62272', nameID: '', nameIDFormat: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified', nameQualifier: undefined, spNameQualifier: undefined, getAssertionXml: [Function] }

** expected behavior "" After login in okta, web page can redirect to stf device list page

Please provide the steps to reproduce the issue.

  1. Create saml app

    截圖 2021-10-12 下午2 47 36 截圖 2021-10-12 下午2 47 57
  2. Executed command: stf local --auth-type saml2 \ --auth-options '[ "--saml-id-provider-entry-point-url","", "--saml-id-provider-issuer","", "--saml-id-provider-callback-url","http://localhost:7100/auth/saml/callback" ]'

My workspace environment Mac OS Big sur

SimonChou-17LIVE commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I solved my issue, my solution is chagned "Name ID Format" to "EmailAddress" and add "email" which value is "" to "ATTRIBUTE STATEMENTS"