Open joto opened 7 years ago
Thanks, I'm already aware of this effort and will be watching it closely. I'll try to find some time to investigate how Merkaartor handles the multipolygons and see if something needs to be fixed.
Isn't this more of a 0.19 bug, rather than a patchlevel 0.18.4 bug?
Based on how long it takes for a new release, no.
Any OSM editor that still creates old-style multipolygons needs to be fixed ASAP.
Both of you are right. I marked this as 0.18.4, as I wanted to do a triage of what needs to be changed and do a hotfix if necessary. Not that I had a lot of time to do that. At the time this issue was created, and I just went over it quickly again, it seems we don't have a lot of issues here.
The thing is, I believe the old-style/new-style only relates to tags on the polygon. The multipolygon is still represented in the same way, with role=inner/outer. As we don't have any tool specific to tagging multipolygons, the burden of correct tagging is on the user.
What probably needs a code change is rendering, as we might not render the multipolygons right if we don't source the tags from the relation. But I haven't looked into that at all (patches appreciated). I'd say this is 0.19 kind of feature.
I still need to check if I haven't missed anything. If I have not, I will create another task for proper multipolygon rendering and close this one.
Based on how long it takes for a new release, no.
That's irrelevant. A patchlevel version increase is supposed to only have minor corrections, like "show icon under Wayland" or "fix typo in XML file". Look up semantic versioning.
This bug requires a bigger overhaul and therefore should make it into a new major version.
There is a major effort going on to fix broken (multi)polygons in OSM and also to finally get rid of old-style multipolygon relations. This will hopefully lead to simpler and more efficient software. There is no immediate need for you to change anything in Merkaartor, but I would expect there to be opportunities to simplify your code and generally make life easier for you once this effort is successful.
I wanted to make you aware of the effort and get you involved in the discussions. We'd also appreciate it if you can support this effort in any way. Find all the details at We are coordinating with other software project through our issue osmlab/fixing-polygons-in-osm#23.