openstreetmap / merkaartor

Home of Merkaartor, an openstreetmap mapping program.
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relation list selection issue #273

Open fkv1 opened 1 year ago

fkv1 commented 1 year ago

A double click on a relation in the relation list ("Relation" tab in the "Features" panel) makes the list scroll back to the top. (This can only be observed if the list contains more rows than fit into the panel.) This is unhelpful and it didn't happen in earlier Merkaartor versions. The scrollback sometimes happens so quickly that the second part of the double click gets registered in another line, triggering a multiselect.

Krakonos commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce the issue and will have a look.

Krakonos commented 1 year ago

Ok, after more investigation it appears to be bug in Qt itself. Here is what I have found:

Can you please provide the Qt version and possibly upgrade to a newer one? What is the platform used?

fkv1 commented 1 year ago

I guess it's about qt-core, which I have in version 5.15.2. That conforms to your findings. Platform is FreeBSD.

$ pkg info -Ix qt gpgme-qt5-1.15.1 Gpgme Qt5 bindings libaccounts-qt5-1.16_2 Qt5 wrapper for SSO framework libdbusmenu-qt5- Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol linux-c7-qt-4.8.7_2 RPM of QT4 (Linux CentOS 7.7.1908) linux-c7-qt-x11-4.8.7_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (Linux CentOS 7.7.1908) linux-c7-qtwebkit-2.3.4_2 Qt WebKit implementation (Linux CentOS 7.7.1908) phonon-qt5-4.11.1 KDE multimedia framework polkit-qt-1-0.113.0_8 Qt5 wrapper around Polkit libraries poppler-qt5-21.03.0 Qt 5 bindings to poppler py38-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3 Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document py39-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3 Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document qca-qt5-2.3.2 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt qjson-qt5-0.9.0_7 Library to manage JSON objects with Qt qscintilla2-qt5-2.12.0 Qt 5 port of the Scintilla C++ editor class qt5-3d-5.15.2_3 Qt3D module qt5-assistant-5.15.2 Qt 5 documentation browser qt5-buildtools-5.15.2_2 Qt build tools qt5-concurrent-5.15.2_2 Qt multi-threading module qt5-core-5.15.2p263_2 Qt core non-graphical module (KDE patched) qt5-dbus-5.15.2_1 Qt D-Bus inter-process communication module qt5-declarative-5.15.2_4 Qt declarative framework for dynamic user interfaces qt5-declarative-test-5.15.2 Qt declarative framework for dynamic user interface (testing) qt5-designer-5.15.2_1 Qt 5 graphical user interface designer qt5-doc-5.12.2 Qt 5 documentation qt5-gamepad-5.15.2_2 Qt 5 Gamepad Module qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.2 Qt Quick graphical effects qt5-gui-5.15.2_7 Qt graphical user interface module qt5-help-5.15.2_1 Qt online help integration module qt5-imageformats-5.15.2 Qt plugins for additional image formats qt5-linguist-5.15.2 Qt 5 translation tool qt5-linguisttools-5.15.2_1 Qt localization tools qt5-location-5.15.2_1 Qt location module qt5-multimedia-5.15.2_3 Qt audio, video, radio and camera support module qt5-network-5.15.2_1 Qt network module qt5-opengl-5.15.2_2 Qt 5-compatible OpenGL support module qt5-printsupport-5.15.2_1 Qt print support module qt5-qdbus-5.15.2_1 Qt command-line interface to D-Bus qt5-qdoc-5.15.2p17_1 Qt documentation generator (KDE patched) qt5-qdoc-data-5.15.2 QDoc configuration files qt5-qmake-5.15.2_1 Qt Makefile generator qt5-qtpaths-5.15.2 Command line client to QStandardPaths qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.2_1 Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.2_1 Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick qt5-script-5.15.2_1 Qt 4-compatible scripting module qt5-scripttools-5.15.2_1 Qt Script additional components qt5-sensors-5.15.2_1 Qt sensors module qt5-serialport-5.15.2_1 Qt functions to access serial ports qt5-speech-5.13.2 Accessibilty features for Qt5 qt5-sql-5.15.2_1 Qt SQL database integration module qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql-5.15.2 Qt PostgreSQL database plugin qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.15.2 Qt SQLite 3 database plugin qt5-svg-5.15.2_1 Qt SVG support module qt5-testlib-5.15.2_1 Qt unit testing module qt5-uiplugin-5.15.2 Custom Qt widget plugin interface for Qt Designer qt5-uitools-5.15.2_1 Qt Designer UI forms support module qt5-virtualkeyboard-5.15.2_1 Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard Module qt5-wayland-5.15.2_3 Qt5 wrapper for Wayland qt5-webchannel-5.15.2_2 Qt 5 library for integration of C++/QML with HTML/js clients qt5-webengine-5.15.2_5 Qt 5 library to render web content qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a4_7 QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code base qt5-widgets-5.15.2_3 Qt C++ widgets module qt5-x11extras-5.15.2_1 Qt platform-specific features for X11-based systems qt5-xml-5.15.2_1 Qt SAX and DOM implementations qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.2 Qt support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema qtchooser-66_2 Qt tool wrapper qtkeychain-0.10.0 Platform independent Qt API for storing passwords quazip-qt5-1.1 Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package signon-qt5-8.60 D-Bus service performing user authentication