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qt5: Uploading a changeset doesn't clear the Undo list #8

Open M-Reimer opened 9 years ago

M-Reimer commented 9 years ago

After uploading my changes I still have all my changes in the undo list.

If I add new things after uploading, they are just appended to the undo list.

With my added changes I get a notification if I try to close Merkaartor, that I have unsaved changes. This does not happen if only the stuff, that wasn't cleared after uploading, is in the list. So "somehow" Merkaartor knows that the changes in the list are obsolete...

Krakonos commented 9 years ago

Also reported as debian bug .

Krakonos commented 9 years ago

More information is given in old redmine bug 3340, by Friedrich Volkmann:

When 2 ways are joined, the nodes of the deleted way (except the one node which was already part of the remaining way) are incorrectly marked as dirty, and the text "There are ... dirty objects" in the undo pane is also updated with the too much increased number.

Upon uploading, the undo list is emptied, but the number of dirty obects remains >0, apparently because the nodes incorrectly marked as dirty are not actually uploaded.

Tested version is 18.1, but it seems that the bug has been in previous Merkaartor versions as well.

M-Reimer commented 9 years ago

The bug, I'm talking about, seems to be a little different. In my testcase, I move one node a little bit. In this case I moved it twice: screenshot1 Then I uploaded this small change: screenshot2 The resulting changeset is: And this is Merkaartor after that: screenshot3 The list is unchanged and the node, I moved, even is still red.

Krakonos commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the clarification, I will look into it. Unforunately, there seem to be multiple problems with the undo/history/change counter and the upload at this time :-(

RM87 commented 9 years ago

I can reproduce this when trying to upload a node that is outside of the downloaded area. Maybe a note on upload dialog to warn users about the existance of these kind of nodes before uploading?