I am one of the moderators of "legal-general" and all it does is collect dust and the occasional spam message asking for my confirmation. The list has been practically unused since 2011, and there has not been a single message in over 5 years: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/legal-general/
The list was originally created when before the license change, legal-talk was inundated with license change discussions and we sought to have a different place for non-license legal discussions, but even then it was not really taken up.
I am one of the moderators of "legal-general" and all it does is collect dust and the occasional spam message asking for my confirmation. The list has been practically unused since 2011, and there has not been a single message in over 5 years: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/legal-general/
The list was originally created when before the license change, legal-talk was inundated with license change discussions and we sought to have a different place for non-license legal discussions, but even then it was not really taken up.
I propose to retire the list.