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Switch minutely replication to use osmdbt #508

Closed tomhughes closed 3 years ago

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

On 21st Februrary we plan the switch the minutely replication feeds to use osmdbt. The operational plan is:

Later cleanup tasks:

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

Does this plan look about right to you @joto?

Will disabling and then re-enabling the replication in the database cleanup any state from the old feed or do I need to something more to ensure we start with clean state?

mmd-osm commented 3 years ago

I was hoping to switch from the test endpoints to the productive ones later tomorrow, which implies that both

would need to run a bit earlier so that no data gets lost. Probably not a real issue for the rest of the world, though (= low priority requirement).

Also I didn’t hear anything about a need for a new ppa that includes osmdbt 0.2.

I assume that version only contains non-essential changes (documentation and pbf output which we don’t use). If that version would be needed for any reason, it’s available here:

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

Well the only way to switch from test to production is to wind your state back to a time a bit before the last state you got from the test feed and then deal with the overlap and I don't see how timing affects that.

Those two lines you quote are entirely about the current production feed, to make sure it goes forward cleanly with no overlap but there's no way to switch feeds without dealing with an overlap as they're not synchronised.

mmd-osm commented 3 years ago

Well, I thought if we let both endpoints drain after the api is in read only mode, switching should be straight forward, as we have a defined (matching) state for both streams.

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

Well I guess I could but it means there is more work to do in the offline Window which makes it longer and I was very explicit that we did not intend to provide a way to cleanly switch back.

When I switched rhaegal back a few days ago I just rewound it an hour and let it process the overlap - that should be fine for osm2pgsql consumers though not for more finicky things.

joto commented 3 years ago

Looks good to me.

  1. If after "Disable replication in the database" you leave enough time for the test feeds to get drained, just re-enabling the replication should be enough to reset everything.

  2. If you do sudo -u planet osmdbt disable-replication -c /etc/replication/osmdbt-config.yaml, you don't need to be in the right current directory. Same for enable-replication.

  3. One other thing I noticed: You are pulling the master branch from osmdbt in cookbooks/db/recipes/base.rb. Shall we change this to some tag so we can work on master without it being immediately pushed into production?

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

Probably I should just set it to the release tag so that switching to a new version requires manual intervention but the repo looks like the releases aren't tagged?

joto commented 3 years ago

I just tagged the v0.2, the last release (changes after that are only test/docs).

mmd-osm commented 3 years ago

By the way, latest PPA is based on, but that's ok as changes vs v0.2 only affect docs as @joto wrote.

In case you need to push some emergency changes as new PPA, here's a list of steps to collect, sign and upload all needed files to build a new PPA on the launchpad servers:

1) Change debian/changelog to match Ubuntu focal. My local version looks as follows: ``` osmdbt (0.2-focal1) focal; urgency=medium * Now without plugin -- Jochen Topf Sun, 27 Sep 2020 16:46:43 +0200 osmdbt (0.1-focal1) focal; urgency=medium * Initial release -- Jochen Topf Thu, 04 Jun 2020 15:21:06 +0200 ``` 2. debian/rules Disable test, as launchpad doesn't have proper Postgresql plugin installed: ``` # Tests need to run one after the other otherwise the database tests will fail override_dh_auto_test: # dh_auto_test --no-parallel ``` 3. Create tar archive `tar cvfj osmdbt_0.2.orig.tar.bz2 --exclude .git --exclude debian osmdbt/` 4. Go to osmdbt directory and run debuild ``` debuild -k{{pgp key}} -S -sa -d ``` 5. Create a new ppa on (first time only) 6. Leave osmdbt directory again and push generated files to launchpad (adjust repo names accordingly) ``` dput -f ppa:mmd-osm/osmdbt-test4 osmdbt_0.2-focal1_source.changes ```

That's pretty much all. account and signing keys need to be set up beforehand.

tomhughes commented 3 years ago

This has all been completed successfully.

stephankn commented 3 years ago

To link it here, in case others are affected as well and search for details.

There was a report of osmupdate (version 0.4.5, latest since 2018) being incompatible with the change. I had a quick look at the source and think it relies on the state file starting with a comment to recognize it as a valid result.

mmd-osm commented 3 years ago

@tomhughes : new build for 0.3 is underway:

mmd-osm commented 3 years ago

I think there's some new command line parameter to turn the additional "#" line on. Not sure, if @joto told you about it.

The changelog says:


osmdbt (0.3-focal1) focal; urgency=medium

Firefishy commented 3 years ago

Deployed in