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OSMF Operations Working Group issue tracking
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Move planet hosting to S3 #678

Closed pnorman closed 1 year ago

pnorman commented 2 years ago

With #660 we plan to move the planet hosting to S3. This will allow us to retain more planet files, improve download speeds, and reduce hardware requirements for hosting the planet.

The plan as discussed last meeting is to keep the interface as-is, but have the planet URLs redirect to the HTTPS URL for s3. Because we won't be paying for outgoing bandwidth as part of #660, we don't need to use signed URLs or anything to enforce people go through

Phase 1

Re-organise planet layout

Phase 2

We are not planning on reproducing some of the functionality of @mojodna' osm-pds setup, ORC files.

Special considerations

Firefishy commented 2 years ago

Sponsorship accept and billing linked.

pnorman commented 1 year ago

Plan is for eu-west-1 (Dublin) as primary region because it is near our locations, green, and lower priced so has more capacity. us-west-2 is secondary region to match other datasets in AWS and provide a closer option for processing on the west coast and in Asia.

pnorman commented 1 year ago

Current items distributed through

Item Path
Minutely diffs /replication/minute/
Hourly diffs /replication/hour/
Daily diffs /replication/day/
Changeset minutely diffs /replication/changesets/
Deleted users list /users_deleted/users_deleted.txt
Tile request logs /tile_logs/tiles-YYYY-MM-DD.txt.xz
Tile app usage /tile_logs/apps-YYYY-MM-DD.csv
Tile host usage /tile_logs/hosts-YYYY-MM-DD.csv
Data statistics /statistics/data_stats.html
Notes /notes/YYYY/planet-notes-YYMMDD.osn.bz2, with -latest version and md5
PBF RSS feed /pbf/planet-pbf-rss.xml
PBF /pbf/planet-YYMMDD.osm.pbf, with -latest version, md5, and torrent
PBF History RSS feed /pbf/full-history/history-pbf-rss.xml
PBF History /pbf/full-history/history-YYMMDD.osm.pbf, with -latest version, md5, and torrent
OSM BZIP RSS feed /planet/planet-bz2-rss.xml
OSM BZIP /planet/YYYY/planet-YYMMDD.osm.bz2, with -latest, md5, and torrent
Discussions RSS feed /planet/discussions-bz2-rss.xml
Discussions /planet/YYYY/discussions-YYMMDD.osm.bz2, with -latest, md5, and torrent
Changesets RSS feed /planet/changesets-bz2-rss.xml
Changesets /planet/YYYY/changesets-YYMMDD.osm.bz2, with -latest, md5, and torrent
History OSM RSS feed /planet/history/changesets-bz2-rss.xml
History OSM BZIP /planet/history/YYYY/history-YYMMDD.osm.bz2, with -latest, md5, and torrent
Users agreed lists /users_agreed/, three lists

Historical items not actively created, but still stored

Item Path
Experimental OSM BZIP /planet/experimental/planet-YYYY-MM-DD.osm.bz2, with md5
Experimental Changesets /planet/experimental/changesets-YYYY-MM-DD.osm.bz2, with md5
History OSM BZIP /planet/experimental/history-YYYY-MM-DD.osm.bz2, with md5
CC BY-SA /cc-by-sa/ includes planet, replication, history, and changesets like above
Redaction period minutely diffs /redaction-period/minute-replicate/
Redaction period hourly diffs /redaction-period/hour-replicate/
Redaction period daily diffs /redaction-period/day-replicate/
GPS points /gps/simple-gps-points-YYMMDD.txt.xz, also CSV format
GPX dump /gps/gpx-planet-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.xz
coastcheck polygons /historical-shapefiles/processed_p.tar.bz2
coastcheck lines /historical-shapefiles/shoreline_300.tar.bz2
world_boundaries /historical-shapefiles/world_boundaries-spherical.tgz

Possible future items

Some of these items may never happen, but it's worth thinking about where they would fit into a new layout

Item Source
Downloads that require authentication Existing planet-dump-ng and osmdbt
Notes replication Unknown
Hourly/daily changeset diffs Existing changesets
GPX dump Unknown
GPS points dump Unknown
Firefishy commented 1 year ago

To avoid any misinformation. The planet hosting discussed here is being sponsored by the AWS public data program and will cost us $0/month in AWS expenses. We have already been accepted onto the program and the billing is AWS tab, not ours.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

A proposal for the S3 bucket prefix "folders"

Frequency Product Flavour AWS Bucket Prefix
minutely replication minutely planet/replication/minute/
hourly replication hourly planet/replication/hour/
daily replication daily planet/replication/day/
weekly planet pbf planet/pbf/YYYY/
weekly planet osm planet/osm/YYYY/
weekly planet-full-history pbf planet-full-history/pbf/YYYY/
weekly planet-full-history osm planet-full-history/osm/YYYY/
minutely replication-changesets minutely changesets/replication/minute/
weekly changesets osm changesets/osm/YYYY/
weekly discussions osm discussions/osm/YYYY/
daily notes osn notes/osn/YYYY/
daily tile_logs hosts tile_logs/standard_layer/hosts/YYYY/
daily tile_logs countries tile_logs/standard_layer/countries/YYYY/
daily tile_logs apps tile_logs/standard_layer/apps/YYYY/
daily tile_logs tiles tile_logs/standard_layer/tiles/YYYY/
daily statistics data_stats.html ?
daily users_deleted txt ?
grischard commented 1 year ago


Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Keep year. Files in ISO date.

mojodna commented 1 year ago

A few questions:

  1. Which region(s)? We talked last year about using eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) and us-west-2 (Oregon, via native S3 replication) for sustainability and co-location with other geospatial datasets reasons. Should the region be included in the bucket name?
  2. Would it make sense to create multiple SNS topics (with more/less/different noise) to serve different purposes?
  3. What happened to the PBF version of the history dump? I only see .osm.bz2 in the tree.
  4. For redirects, would it make sense to include the current file name in the body of the object (separate from the metadata), either as text or JSON to help S3 users follow redirects?
  5. What storage option are you planning to default to? Intelligent-Tiering is probably the right choice.
pnorman commented 1 year ago

1. Which region(s)? We talked last year about using eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) and us-west-2 (Oregon, via native S3 replication) for sustainability and co-location with other geospatial datasets reasons.

As per above,

Plan is for eu-west-1 (Dublin) as primary region because it is near our locations, green, and lower priced so has more capacity

The pricing still encourages Dublin over Frankfurt, and they're both 100% renewable.

Should the region be included in the bucket name?

This is generally a bad practice since it allows someone to claim the name of the bucket for another region, but it might make sense here.

2. Would it make sense to create multiple SNS topics (with more/less/different noise) to serve different purposes?

SNS is phase 2, so currently unplanned.

3. What happened to the PBF version of the history dump? I only see .osm.bz2 in the tree.

It's present in the table, the first planet-full-history row.

4. For redirects, would it make sense to include the current file name in the body of the object (separate from the metadata), either as text or JSON to help S3 users follow redirects?

The only redirects are going to be HTTP redirects from, nothing within S3. I'm not sure what you mean - were you assuming doing some redirects within S3? A user will go to, get a HTTP 3xx redirect to and download from there. If a user wants to use the s3 API (e.g. through the AWS CLI) instead of a normal HTTP download, they'll have to manage that themselves.

5. What storage option are you planning to default to? Intelligent-Tiering is probably the right choice.

Agreed, intelligent-tiering is appropriate. A few MS of latency doesn't matter on a multi-GB file, or even a replication diff.

Reading the s3 docs for these responses made me aware of a couple of other issues.

  1. We should make sure to use the dualstack endpoints in our redirects for IPv6 support
  2. Should we use a CNAME? We'd then need a bucket name like and we'd be unable to get to work the same way, but it has the advantage of allowing geodns so we could direct users at the closest bucket.
Firefishy commented 1 year ago

A few questions:

  1. Which region(s)? We talked last year about using eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) and us-west-2 (Oregon, via native S3 replication) for sustainability and co-location with other geospatial datasets reasons. Should the region be included in the bucket name?

Bucket: osm-planet-eu-central-1 Region: eu-central-1 (primary) Logging: osm-planet-logs-eu-central-1 Bucket: osm-planet-us-west-2 Region: us-west-2 (secondary - S3 replicated) Logging: osm-planet-logs-us-west-2

  1. Would it make sense to create multiple SNS topics (with more/less/different noise) to serve different purposes?

Yes, it would make sense. I have not yet finalised on the SNS configuration.

  1. What happened to the PBF version of the history dump? I only see .osm.bz2 in the tree.

See above, it will be moved to prefix planet-full-history/pbf/YYYY/

  1. For redirects, would it make sense to include the current file name in the body of the object (separate from the metadata), either as text or JSON to help S3 users follow redirects?

Additionally to Paul's answer. I am thinking of adding a latest.txt which contains the full prefix + object name.

  1. What storage option are you planning to default to? Intelligent-Tiering is probably the right choice.

Default to Intelligent-Tiering with a lifecycle rule to move objects mistakenly uploaded as standard to Intelligent-Tiering.

mojodna commented 1 year ago

The only redirects are going to be HTTP redirects from, nothing within S3. I'm not sure what you mean - were you assuming doing some redirects within S3? A user will go to, get a HTTP 3xx redirect to and download from there. If a user wants to use the s3 API (e.g. through the AWS CLI) instead of a normal HTTP download, they'll have to manage that themselves.

I was acknowledging that S3 doesn't support redirects / symlinks and pondering some ways that we could facilitate S3 downloads of "latest".

Additionally to Paul's answer. I am thinking of adding a latest.txt which contains the full prefix + object name.

This is better than my proposal ;-)

Spitballing here... Re: buckets + naming, because of the constraint that the bucket name needs to match the CNAME, it may make sense to have a (and/or that serves to redirect to the one that contains HTML) in addition to region-specific buckets. The planet bucket would contain static HTML + use some sort of client-side determination to figure out which region-specific bucket is closer to provide download links that go direct to the region-specific buckets. That way, we get the benefit of regionalization (for "closeness") and fully-managed website hosting (which can also register redirects to one of the buckets, preserving URLs that work today).

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Spitballing here... Re: buckets + naming, because of the constraint that the bucket name needs to match the CNAME, it may make sense to have a (and/or that serves to redirect to the one that contains HTML) in addition to region-specific buckets. The planet bucket would contain static HTML + use some sort of client-side determination to figure out which region-specific bucket is closer to provide download links that go direct to the region-specific buckets. That way, we get the benefit of regionalization (for "closeness") and fully-managed website hosting (which can also register redirects to one of the buckets, preserving URLs that work today).

Yes, my intention is keep (and aliases) up and running for compatibility and handling some legacy redirects. I'll likely gradually move it across to a thin near-stateless wrapper. I have been looking into: and which are JS driven S3 "browsers" which pull live data via the S3 api and prove a frontend to the buckets.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

S3 Buckets have been created. S3 Cross Region Replication has been setup. S3 Logging has been setup.

All managed via code in OSM's private terraform aws repo.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

I have started to backfill existing planet data. It will take awhile.

pnorman commented 1 year ago

For tile_logs I'd like to subdivide it by service, where the only current service is the standard tile layer.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

I have created the upload user, roles and permissions.

I have started uploading replication diffs.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

I have started uploading 2022 and 2023 osm planet files.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

For tile_logs I'd like to subdivide it by service, where the only current service is the standard tile layer.

standard_layer OK or would you prefer another name?

pnorman commented 1 year ago

For tile_logs I'd like to subdivide it by service, where the only current service is the standard tile layer.

standard_layer OK or would you prefer another name?

looks good to me

mojodna commented 1 year ago

@Firefishy what does the S3 bucket policy currently look like? it appears to be rejecting signed requests (while accepting unsigned ones):

❯ aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt -
#Tue Sep 19 14:51:01 UTC 2023

❯ aws s3 cp s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt -
download failed: s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt to - An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadObject operation: Bad Request

It should look something like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::osm-planet-<region>"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::osm-planet-<region>/*"
Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Additional bucket policies added in (private repo) @mojodna I've sent you an invite to access the repo a few minutes back.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago
❯ aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt -
#Tue Sep 19 14:51:01 UTC 2023

❯ aws s3 cp s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt -
download failed: s3://osm-planet-eu-central-1/planet/replication/minute/state.txt to - An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadObject operation: Bad Request

Both these above now work.

Note: aws s3 cp only works if there is a AWS default profile setup, otherwise the cli bombs out with Unable to locate credentials when it fails to retrieve auth details from the Instance metadata service.

mojodna commented 1 year ago

Turns out I was using a bad profile resulting in invalid credentials, but thanks for adding those; GetObjectTagging in particular isn't an obvious permission (while causing issues in certain circumstances).

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Initial pass sync is done.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

For tile_logs I'd like to subdivide it by service, where the only current service is the standard tile layer.

standard_layer OK or would you prefer another name?

looks good to me

I've updated the table in with the update.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

The initial sync script: It has now synced all data.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

As an initial test I have set all standard 2023 planet.osm to redirect to the S3 osm-planet-eu-central-1 bucket instead of redirecting to any other mirrors. I will check logs later to see how it is going.

mmd-osm commented 1 year ago

Are any of the Planet.osm mirrors still using rsync to keep files in sync with Would that cause any issues with the new S3 based setup?

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Are any of the Planet.osm mirrors still using rsync to keep files in sync with Would that cause any issues with the new S3 based setup?

The intention is to keep the rsync service available for now. We will reduce the amount of historical data we store on, which will limit what is available for rsync. Retiring the rsync service will be given with a lot of notice if/when we decide to do this.

HTTPS based will have compatibility redirects between old layout and new layout. I am trying to work out how smart I can be with redirecting to AWS. eg: Ideally I'd like to at least send North America requests to the AWS us-east-2us-west-2 bucket and EU to eu-central-1 bucket, the download speed difference is noticeable.

The observed sync latency between eu-central-1 and us-east-2us-west-2 was upto 12 minutes when pushing the new weekly .osm.bz2 and .pbf planet and full-history planet files. AWS's recommended alerting level is 15mins. The sync is non-sequential. Maybe due to this we should ONLY redirect to us-east-2us-west-2 for files other than replication diffs.

The long term goal would be for to become a thin wrapper over the S3 buckets.

pnorman commented 1 year ago

The observed sync latency between eu-central-1 and us-east-2 was upto 12 minutes when pushing the new weekly .osm.bz2 and .pbf planet and full-history planet files. AWS's recommended alerting level is 15mins. The sync is non-sequential. Maybe due to this we should ONLY redirect to us-east-2 for files other than replication diffs.

Based on the above, I'm not sure we should redirect at all. We would need to

  1. start with redirects to just eu-central-1
  2. detect the replication has synced to us-west-2 (not us-east-2)
  3. modify our redirects for the objects that have synced
  4. add monitoring of the redirects to planet monitoring
mmd-osm commented 1 year ago

We will reduce the amount of historical data we store on, which will limit what is available for rsync.

Since most mirrors seem to delete their local copies as soon we start cleaning up on, it's getting more difficult to download older dumps. HTTPS based redirects to AWS would be most welcomed to avoid this issue for end users. However, I don't think this will solve the issue for mirrors. Maybe they need to review their retention policy, and keep older dumps around for longer.

I've noticed this issue while looking for the very first ODbL planet "planet-120912.osm.bz2". The torrent link didn't help, and there's only a single mirror out there that still has this file.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

I've noticed this issue while looking for the very first ODbL planet "planet-120912.osm.bz2". The torrent link didn't help, and there's only a single mirror out there that still has this file.

I have planet-120912.osm.bz2 archived in a deep archive S3 bucket. I can restore it and upload it to the new S3 planet buckets. I have started the restore. Putting back the entire catalogue will be a very slow process, S3 deep archive stores are expensive and slow to restore.

lonvia commented 1 year ago

Since most mirrors seem to delete their local copies as soon we start cleaning up on, it's getting more difficult to download older dumps.

I've run into this, too, lately. How about a policy where the first dump of every year remains easily accessible?

tomhughes commented 1 year ago

That's exactly what the expiry script does - in fact it goes further than that and keeps the first one of each month as well as the last four weeks worth and as it only runs once a month that means between four and eight weeks worth are kept and then the first of each month before that.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago redirects in PR: Replication diffs and a few other file types are not yet redirected.

Only previous years are currently redirected to us-west-2.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

Planet redirects to S3 are live.

I am going to close this ticket, the few remaining items are best dealt with as separate tickets.

Firefishy commented 1 year ago

@mmd-osm planet-120912.osm.bz2 is now available.