openstreetmap / tile-attribution

This repository is used for reporting and tracking sites which are using tiles but without attributing OpenStreetMap. The sites are tracked in the issue tracker.
29 stars 3 forks source link #22

Closed franco999 closed 5 months ago

franco999 commented 6 months ago

Is it maybe reported already?

Before you submit this form, please ensure the following criteria are met:

Date and time of the message (has it happened more than a week ago?):


Where did you send it?

via email in

Please paste the content of the Love Letter you sent to the map user here.


Como colaborador de OpenStreetMap, me complace ver que está utilizando los datos de OpenStreetMap en su sitio web:

Sin embargo, noté que el mapa parece carecer del crédito apropiado. La licencia de OpenStreetMap requiere que dé crédito a OpenStreetMap y hacer que los usuarios conozcan la licencia de los datos (enlazando a nuestra página de derechos de autor). Para más información, ver:

La correcta atribución ayuda a evitar malentendidos sobre la fuente del mapa o datos, así como sobre lo que otros pueden hacer con él. Si necesita ayuda para hacer los cambios o tiene más preguntas, no dude en preguntarme en respuesta a este correo electrónico, u otros en uno de los canales de comunicación de OpenStreetMap:

Más importante aún, la atribución nos ayuda a difundir sobre OpenStreetMap y atraer nuevos colaboradores y construir la comunidad. Esto es muy importante para mejorar la calidad de la base de datos, de la cual usted y millones de otros dependen.

Se agradecería el acuse de recibo.

Muchas gracias, Franco (@mweper)

-- Source:

The infringement is a:

Please drag and drop or attach the screenshot showing the map without proper attribution here.

category contact

Where it is happening?

Properties section: Lots section: Contact section:

Previous Reports: ;

lucadelu commented 6 months ago

It seems to me they add the attribution

Screenshot from 2024-01-01 08-43-33

matkoniecz commented 6 months ago

I see attribution.

franco999 commented 6 months ago

Thanks to @lucadelu I have been able to confirm that the attribution is displayed or not, depending on the screen size or resolution. With the screen resolution of my notebook (1366x768 16:9) and my Android mobile (2400x1080) it does not display correctly, but it seems that with larger resolutions, yes.

Now how to proceed? In theory the attribution exists, but it is not seen in certain resolutions.

Below I attach a video where you can see that by zooming out the web design, it appears. In this case it is in the contact section but it also happens in the other sections.


grischard commented 6 months ago

Attribution must be shown at all resolutions. The attribution guidelines have a few acceptable ways of showing attribution on small screens. This ticket can remain open.

grischard commented 5 months ago

They've switched to Google Maps.