openstreetmap / tile-attribution

This repository is used for reporting and tracking sites which are using tiles but without attributing OpenStreetMap. The sites are tracked in the issue tracker.
29 stars 3 forks source link #8

Closed jmarchon1 closed 6 months ago

jmarchon1 commented 7 months ago

Is it maybe reported already?

Before you submit this form, please ensure the following criteria are met:

Date and time of the message (has it happened more than a week ago?):

2023-11-15, ~1.5 weeks ago

Where did you send it?

Please paste the content of the Love Letter you sent to the map user here.


As an OpenStreetMap contributor, I am pleased to see that you are using OpenStreetMap for your website

OSM is happy to see its data used, but its license requires that you both credit OpenStreetMap and make users aware of the data license (by linking to the copyright page). Unfortunately, your website does not provide this required attribution. For more information, see:

If you need help making the changes or have further questions, feel free to ask me in reply to this mail, or others in one of OpenStreetMap's many communication channels:

Acknowledgement of receipt would be appreciated.

Thanks, jmarchon

The infringement is a:

Please drag and drop or attach the screenshot showing the map without proper attribution here.


Where it is happening?

Previous Reports:


matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

I guess the question is whether mail should match exactly template

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

@jmarchon1 Can you send one extra email matching extended template?

(I did it with some entries I filed - mostly to keep anyone from making any legitimate complaints about this new process)

jmarchon1 commented 7 months ago

The email I already sent followed another template from the wiki which I unfortunately can't find anymore. Should I still send another email using the template you linked?

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

LWG published new recommended templates.

Should I still send another email using the template you linked?

Yes, that is the new one.

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

@jmarchon1 Once you will send, feel free to post quote of it here, I will schedule review once deadline completes (and ping me if I will not do this after 7 days deadline completes)

jmarchon1 commented 7 months ago

I've sent another email, as follows: Dear Perforce,

We OpenStreetMap contributors are very proud to see that you are using our work at . Many people and systems, including your website would not be possible without the project’s data

OpenStreetMap owes its success to our millions of volunteers who share our vision and invest their time to maintain and improve the data. Many became contributors after starting as users. While most OSM-based maps are independently deployed, operators recognise the benefit of highlighting their use of OpenStreetMap. We believe end users realise that they can improve their experience by improving the map data. Thus, there are compelling reasons to attribute OpenStreetMap, even beyond the legal obligation. Unfortunately does not provide this required attribution

You use our data in the maps displayed at We are happy to see our data used, and we hope uses such as yours can help attract more contributors to the map.

We very much regret that the obligatory attribution of OpenStreetMap is missing from your website. Just as you would credit a photographer when using his or her images, you are required to do the same when you use OpenStreetMap data. Our licence, although “Free and Open” carries a small number of conditions, one of which is the requirement to provide correct attribution.

We are sure that you will recognise the importance of rectifying this oversight and bringing your website into compliance with the licence under which our data is made available to you. Remember, not only is this a legal condition of your use of OSM, it also respects the volunteers who made your map and it helps encourage your users to improve it. Full details on how to attribute OpenStreetMap can be found in the Attribution Guidelines at

Acknowledgement of receipt would be appreciated.



p4jpieper commented 6 months ago

Hello, I'm the web manager at Perforce. This was a definite oversight on our part and I apologize for the lack of attribution and for my delayed response.

I've restored the attribution tile in the lower right corner of this map. Please let me know if any changes are required.


Firefishy commented 6 months ago

Thank you. Block removed. Allow upto 24 hours for the block to be fully removed.