openstreetmap / tirex

Tirex tile queue manager. A drop-in replacement for renderd.
GNU General Public License v2.0
67 stars 23 forks source link

No handler tirex-backend #53

Open roomit-xyz opened 1 year ago

roomit-xyz commented 1 year ago

Hallo Team,

I found issue regarding access render from web, If we are zooming from web base, we got message error like this :

Sep 22 18:21:40 map2 tirex-backend-mapnik[7351]: no handler found for map style ''

So far all service running well tirex-backend tirex-master

And if we rendering via tirex-batch (bbox) we are not found that massage. all request executed fine.

 Tirex Master Status (updated=2022-09-22 18:28:27)

 Master server:
  started=2022-09-22 16:30:58 pid=7361

  count_rendered[region]=1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 6, 9, 20, 54, 170, 612, 2345, 9240, 36820, 54663, 10, 7, 4
  sum_render_time[region]=0.710, 0.836, 1.146, 1.092, 1.573, 2.037, 3.124, 7.371, 8.470, 12.300, 31.925, 55.938, 2:59.502, 9:22.425, 32:17.077, 2:02:59.872, 2:49:14.657, 3.304, 2.531, 1.211

  Prio   Size Maxsize             Age
    20 5512987 5512987       0-1:51:18

   all 5512987 5512987       0-1:51:18

 Buckets: (load=3.78)
  Name                 Priority  Rendering  MaxRend  Maxload Active Can Queued             Age
  live                   1-   9          0        4       20    yes yes      0
  important             10-  19          0        3        8    yes  no      0
  background            20-              3        8       16    yes yes 5512987       0-1:51:18

 Currently rendering: (num=3)
  Map                           X          Y   Z Prio   Age
  region                    54304      31488  16   20     1
  region                    54312      31488  16   20     1
  region                    54320      31488  16   20     1

Coud Team, ensure this issue normal or not?

stoecker commented 1 year ago

I'd simply assume your (Apache?) config is wrong. Seems an empty string is passed instead of the correct 'region'.

roomit-xyz commented 1 year ago

Thank You for your answer.

I have virtualhost like this

<VirtualHost *:80>
  LoadModule tile_module modules/

  # mod_tile socker for request meta data
  ModTileRenderdSocketName /var/run/tirex/modtile.sock

  # directory of tile
  ModTileTileDir           /data/map/tile

  # place tile config and style
  AddTileConfig            /region/  region

  # Cache and Performance Tile
  ModTileRequestTimeout 160
  ModTileMissingRequestTimeout 120
  ModTileBulkMode On
  ModTileMaxLoadOld 1

  ServerName map2
  DocumentRoot /www
  ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error.log
  CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access.log combined

I want ask, for this options

  AddTileConfig            /region/  region

last parameter 'region' is style or worker tirex?

stoecker commented 1 year ago

AddTileConfig /region/ region means that URL http://domain/region/z/x/y.png is requested as "region" map from tirex. The first parameter is the URL part, the second the tirex map name.