Open openstreetmap-trac opened 3 years ago
Author: lonvia [Added to the original trac issue at 7.02am, Wednesday, 9th April 2014]
It's doing that for a certain subset of key/value pairs, see Doing it for all key/values in all languages is slightly tricky. The description term you see on the website would indeed provide a good hint and is available in many languages but it is currently generated independently by the website itself, so Nominatim cannot use that.
Reporter: chtfn [Submitted to the original trac issue database at 2.31am, Monday, 7th April 2014]
Nominatim would be a lot more useful and intuitive if it included keys (or just the most relevant ones) in the search.
A perfect example for this is one that I just came across: Say you are looking for a building on a University campus, the building is named "Seddon South". When using the main OSM website, the terms "seddon south building" will not yield any result, but searching for "seddon south" will surprisingly yield the result "Building Seddon South, Therapies Road, Saint Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, 4067, Australia".
This is extremely unintuitive for most users.
This is the search with the map including the building that we are looking for: