openstyles / stylus

Stylus - Userstyles Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Show styles from in the Stylus popup, with options to preview & install #243

Closed derv82 closed 6 years ago

derv82 commented 6 years ago

I think Stylish on Chrome has this feature. You click the "S" icon on the browser toolbar, and the popup shows styles available from that you can install immediately.

It would be really cool to show the search results in the popup (title/author/screenshot thumbnail), and give users the option to preview on the page or install permanently.

One of the problems with using Stylus/Stylish is the grueling process of finding the right style. For me, the process is:

  1. Click {S}
  2. Click Find more styles for this site (opens search results)
  3. Look at list of styles on
  4. Click one of the styles that looks OK, usually based purely on the screenshot (opens page for the style)
  5. Click "Install style" & confirm
  6. Go back to the page and see how it looks
  7. If it doesn't look good / work, uninstall the style and start over from Step 3

I looked around and it seems like the site has an API:

tophf commented 6 years ago

I thought about it. If we implement it, the embedded list will appear only after clicking "find styles" action, not automatically.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

I'm happy to implement this in my free time, but I need a quick pointer for where in the code base the change should be included (haven't actually looked yet).

Including some notes I took regarding the JSON APIs:

Sample SearchJSON: Sample FullJSON:

Identical in both SearchJSON & FullJSON:

Missing from SearchJSON:

Missing from FullJSON:



Screenshots are usually in the format: /^[0-9]+_after.png$/

Path to screenshots:

Enhancing Search Results

Right now I'm looking at the search API to see if we can specify "subcategory" aka the domain (via styles_controller.rb which appears to be -- or was -- the search code for the site).

I already found per_page which can be set to 200: request for per_page=1

tophf commented 6 years ago

Our code doesn't have a proper architecture, there are lots of interconnected things, so you'll have to study it in order to be able to extend it. And I doubt it'll be easy. At this point I can only give some trivial pointers: you need to put the code in a separate file in popup/ directory and load it dynamically from popup.js when find-styles is clicked. I'd argue we should add an option to restore the old behavior or maybe there should be another action link or icon in the popup that starts the embedded browser. I also think there's no need to cache the fetched JSONs locally (in for more than a couple of minutes.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

Forked and made some changes:



What I've done:


I think the remaining work regarding installation & caching is a bit too complicated for me to figure out. Unless you have some easy-to-use pointers to an "installing" & "caching" library, I think I've hit a stopping point.

tophf commented 6 years ago

Installing is simply a call to saveStyleSafe

narcolepticinsomniac commented 6 years ago

Looks to me like you're on Github and it's returning results for Google. I realize that their shitty search does that, but should we choose to implement this, would ours have to also suck?

derv82 commented 6 years ago

@tophf Thanks, I'll look at saveStyleSafe and see what I can come up with.

@narcolepticinsomniac Search would improve if there is a way to filter by subcategory in the search API. This might be possible but I haven't confirmed yet -- see Enhancing Search Results above.

Another (expensive and complicated) option is to parse and filter each result as it comes in:

  1. Fetch the full style,
  2. Look at @-moz-document to find URLs the style applies to,
  3. Remove results that are irrelevant to the current page.

Some benefits to pre-loading all info (including CSS) for each search result is:

  1. Installing is instantaneous,
  2. Implementing a "Preview" option (e.g. when hovering a result) shouldn't be that hard.
tophf commented 6 years ago

Another (expensive and complicated) option is to parse and filter each result as it comes in

It's expensive only bandwidth-wise. If you fetch style JSONs there's no need to parse the entire code, you can simply use BG.getApplicableSections function to check the applies-to values.

tophf commented 6 years ago

Can you open a PR? It'd be more convenient to discuss the code-related stuff. One thing I'd like to mention right off the bat, our existing code uses global functions, but for the new features it makes sense to enclose everything in an object (all stuff is exposed, not a problem though) or IIFE to keep things encapsulated, only exposing a few methods to the outside via the standard return {method1, method2}.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

I agree with encapsulating my changes.

See PR:

Aside: I'm new to contributing to open source projects, so I apologize in advance if I'm not following the proper Contributing/PR etiquette. Let me know if I can make things easier.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

Found more-relevant search endpoint which searches by subcategory when given:


Where <pagename> is:

Caveats is in the list, but:

Including the TLD can hide some results:

I'll write a script that scrapes these "sites" and generates a regex that can be used within search-results.js; that way we search using the appropriate search term (e.g. -> github).

tophf commented 6 years ago

It's probable their API or whatever has a bug with a couple of terms like userstyles, for everything else you can probably just extract the site name without proper stripping of TLD from the Public Suffix List. But checking with a scraper is a good idea anyway.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

My initial hope was to make the Stylus' search results more-relevant than E.g. searching for would only show styles that apply to URLs containing

But it (userstyle's API, database, search method) is much worse than I thought. Userstyles apparently has a 💩 subcategory naming scheme.

Going to /styles/browse/ redirects to /styles/browse/ex. Which is fine since all the styles listed in the ex category are for :+1:

But going to /styles/browse/ redirects to /styles/browse/ex. This is bad because all styles listed are for :-1:

So a subcategory (e.g. google or ex or any of the 8,000+ "sites") applies to all variations of that name + any TLD. E.g. /styles/browse/http://ex.derv82 redirects to /browse/ex because... ugh.

At this point, I may have to use /styles/browse/all/<encodedURL> to discover the category (via a 302 redirect) instead of /styles/browse/....

For example, /styles/browse/all/ redirects to /styles/browse?category=theregister (5 results)

A similar (but very different URL) /styles/browse/all/ redirects to the same theregister category.

So I guess the secret sauce of category detection is (using example

  1. Lop off the TLD from the end (hard-coding some list of TLDs like com, net, org,,
  2. Grab the "domain" (sans TLD) after the remaining right-most . (e.g. theregister)
  3. See if that "domain" is in the list of 8,000 "sites" (theregister is)
  4. If so, redirect to that category (category=theregister)
  5. If not, search using the full domain name ( -- not using "category=" (which is actually subcategory).

I'll write a script that scrapes these "sites" and generates a regex

I'm not wild about a regex containing 8,000+ entries, especially since a lot of them appear to be non-sanitized, non-curated user-input (e.g. is in the list of 8,000).

Maybe we can just store the top 500 "sites" in a regex (sorted by most-available-styles) , and resort to searching the full domain if the site isn't in that list (i.e. follow through to Step 5 above).

tophf commented 6 years ago

Just launch several searches simultaneously using the above approaches with simple and short regexps. USO is not rocket science.

tophf commented 6 years ago

I've just used a naive regexp in 387193d347d717f1c0f3b635ea1846c28e7cea30, which I think should work for all sites that can be found by USO.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

I opted to avoid trying to match USO's regex (which strips some TLDs but not others).

Instead, the latest version of #251 :

  1. Makes a HEAD request to USO (/browse/all/<URL>) to get category=... from the redirect.
  2. Searches by-category using /styles/browse?category=...

It seems to work well for the sites I've tried it on (,,, The search results only contain relevant styles, we no longer get Google/Youtube results from

tophf commented 6 years ago

Well, the naive regexp seems to be working for github, but if the HEAD request is fast enough then it's fine too.

tophf commented 6 years ago

IIRC I've tried the HEAD trick when I was working on supporting search and I remember it added about ~500ms, which I didn't like (no one would), so I switched to a naive regexp in that PR too.

derv82 commented 6 years ago

See latest commit to PR:

HEAD trick is performed when popup is first loaded. By the time user clicks Find styles for this site to load search results, the HEAD is already finished. This avoids the 500ms delay.

TBH I'm pretty happy with my PR:


Please take a look & provide feedback when you can.

tophf commented 6 years ago

Implemented in #251.