openstyles / stylus

Stylus - Userstyles Manager
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Question: how to customize the internal editor? #904

Closed Mikhail22 closed 4 years ago

Mikhail22 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have questions.

How can I customize the default web-based editor, namely:

As an alternative - is there any effective way to edit the stylesheets using external editor? Yes I can use any editor and then copy-paste into the internal editor, then save. But it needs constant switching between apps and the browser and need to create additional files.


narcolepticinsomniac commented 4 years ago

how to set editor's font, colors etc.

There's dozens of themes built into CodeMirror:

edit theme

Alternatively, you may find styles with custom editor styling, as in the screenshot, or you can style the editor yourself with a userstyle for the UI.

how create my custom keyboard shortcuts?

There are more than a few built-in keymaps for CodeMirror, and once selected, the info icon will provide a detailed list:

edit keymap

As an alternative - is there any effective way to edit the stylesheets using external editor?

Only way to do so currently is "live reload" which requires usercss format.