Closed cakeholeDC closed 6 months ago
If you are using the docker run command from the "Running the Platform Locally" section of the readme, you may need to add a flag to publish the container port to the host ex:
docker run --network opentdf_platform -p "" \
-v "$(pwd)/kas-keys/:/keys/" \
-v "$(pwd)/opentdf.yaml:/home/nonroot/.opentdf/opentdf.yaml" \
-it start
👍 Building on top of the (linked ☝️ ) PR from @elizabethhealy , I proposed
@cakeholeDC Is this resolved?
If you are using the docker run command from the "Running the Platform Locally" section of the readme, you may need to add a flag to publish the container port to the host ex:
docker run --network opentdf_platform -p "" \ -v "$(pwd)/kas-keys/:/keys/" \ -v "$(pwd)/opentdf.yaml:/home/nonroot/.opentdf/opentdf.yaml" \ -it start
when i run this command on my terminal i got this error message
docker run --network opentdf_platform -p "" \
-v "$(pwd)/kas-keys/:/keys/" \
-v "$(pwd)/opentdf.yaml:/home/nonroot/.opentdf/opentdf.yaml" \
-it start
2024/05/07 10:13:23 INFO starting opentdf services
2024/05/07 10:13:23 INFO loading configuration
2024/05/07 10:13:23 INFO starting logger
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.137Z level=DEBUG msg="config loaded" config="&{DB:{Host:opentdfdb Port:5432 Database:opentdf User :postgres Password:changeme RunMigrations:true SSLMode:prefer Schema:opentdf VerifyConnection:true MigrationsFS:<nil>} OPA :{Path:./opentdf-opa.yaml Embedded:true Logger:<nil>} Server:{Auth:{Enabled:true PublicRoutes:[] AuthNConfig:{EnforceDPoP: false Issuer:http://keycloak:8888/auth/realms/opentdf Audience:http://localhost:8080 OIDCConfiguration:{Issuer: Authorizat ionEndpoint: TokenEndpoint: JwksURI: ResponseTypesSupported:[] SubjectTypesSupported:[] IDTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported:[ ] RequireRequestURIRegistration:false} Policy:{Default: RoleClaim: RoleMap:map[] Csv: Model:} CacheRefresh:15m}} GRPC:{Ref lectionEnabled:true} CryptoProvider:{Type:standard HSMConfig:{Enabled:false ModulePath: PIN: SlotID:0 SlotLabel: Keys:map[ ]} StandardConfig:{RSAKeys:map[123:{PrivateKeyPath:/keys/kas-private.pem PublicKeyPath:/keys/kas-cert.pem} 456:{PrivateKey Path:/keys/kas-private.pem PublicKeyPath:/keys/kas-cert.pem}] ECKeys:map[123:{PrivateKeyPath:/keys/kas-ec-private.pem Publ icKeyPath:/keys/kas-ec-cert.pem}]}} TLS:{Enabled:false Cert: Key:} WellKnownConfigRegister:<nil> Port:8080 Host:} Logger:{ Level:debug Output:stdout Type:text} Services:map[authorization:{Enabled:true Remote:{Endpoint:} ExtraProps:map[client:tdf -entity-resolution legacy:true realm:opentdf secret:secret url:http://localhost:8888]} health:{Enabled:true Remote:{Endpoi nt:} ExtraProps:map[]} kas:{Enabled:true Remote:{Endpoint:} ExtraProps:map[]} policy:{Enabled:true Remote:{Endpoint:} Extr aProps:map[]} wellknown:{Enabled:true Remote:{Endpoint:} ExtraProps:map[]}]}"
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.138Z level=INFO msg="starting opa engine"
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.138Z level=DEBUG msg="plugging in plugins"
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.146Z level=INFO msg="Starting bundle loader." plugin=bundle name=test
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.146Z level=INFO msg="Starting decision logger." plugin=decision_logs
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.147Z level=DEBUG msg="Download starting."
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.156Z level=DEBUG msg="Download in progress."
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.156Z level=DEBUG msg="Bundle activation in progress (). Opening storage transaction." name=test p lugin=bundle
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.157Z level=DEBUG msg="Opened storage transaction (3)." plugin=bundle name=test
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.160Z level=DEBUG msg="Closing storage transaction (3)." name=test plugin=bundle
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.160Z level=INFO msg="Bundle loaded and activated successfully." name=test plugin=bundle
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.160Z level=INFO msg="init opentdf server"
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.160Z level=WARN msg="config Auth.EnforceDPoP is false. DPoP will not be enforced."
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.161Z level=DEBUG msg="discovering openid configuration" issuer=http://keycloak:8888/auth/realms/o pentdf
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.162Z level=ERROR msg="issue creating opentdf server" error="failed to create authentication inter ceptor: Get \"http://keycloak:8888/auth/realms/opentdf/.well-known/openid-configuration\": dial tcp conne ct: connection refused"
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.162Z level=INFO msg="Stopping bundle loader." name=test plugin=bundle
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.162Z level=DEBUG msg="Waiting 1m20.884188994s before next download/retry."
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.162Z level=INFO msg="Stopping decision logger." plugin=decision_logs
Error: issue creating opentdf server: failed to create authentication interceptor: Get "http://keycloak:8888/auth/realms/o pentdf/.well-known/openid-configuration": dial tcp connect: connection refused
time=2024-05-07T10:13:23.163Z level=ERROR msg="issue starting opentdf" error="issue creating opentdf server: failed to cre ate authentication interceptor: Get \"http://keycloak:8888/auth/realms/opentdf/.well-known/openid-configuration\": dial tc p connect: connection refused"
fix(documentation): Add flag to run command in instructions for "Running the Platform Locally" #709
@strantalis Yes, this was resolved with PR - the solution is the same as what @Rajan251 pointed to.
I will close this issue.
As of APR 29 2024
otdfctl encrypt
fails with the following error message:Path to recreate: Spin up local opentdf/platform following the instructions on the
branch (0e59213e127e8b6a0b071a04f3ce380907fe494e
otdfctl encrypt
function worked as expected with a previous iteration of the opentdf platform. And if we roll back to a commit from last week and re-deploy the platform, the encrypt function begins to work again as expectedFollow README steps to run platform locally. ‼️ Note, the process is different on this commit