opentecture / mindmapping

Mindmapping with Three.js
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How to publish this work? #20

Closed afomi closed 6 years ago

afomi commented 6 years ago


I see you're using PushMePullYou as a way to publish. I think it offers some nice features and enables navigation easily. Yet, it also adds some overhead, code-wise, provides redundant features to GitHub and GitHub pages, and I can't seem to get it to work for files when I'm developing locally.

I'm curious what other benefits you find it offers, and I'd like to understand how the tools fits into your workflow.

For example, GitHub offers up the site at by default, and working on the master build as its index.html would provide users the latest experience, while previous and specific builds can still be accessed from what GitHub provides - for example:

Prepend to any .html file when browsing.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


You raise a bunch of good questions. Too many for me to answer tonight,

Pretty links

Looks like by deleting the CNAME file you have enabled pretty links to work. Yay! was not working but now it is.


pushMe-pullYou is the name of the organization. There are a bunch of different apps under p-p.

One of my favs:

Oops! it has a bug and half of left menu has stopped working. But it's mostly working

The script series I am using for MindMapping 3D is called TooToo.

TooToo Features

The issue with it is that every web site has slightly different needs, thus the TooToo code never seems to settle down. But the goal is that you could just drop it into any repo and - bingo - you have a baby CMS in a few hundred lines of easy peasy JavaScript.

I'm a big fan and frequent user.

afomi commented 6 years ago exists to move away from pushMe-pullYou. I checked out the website, and while clever, seems unnecessary. GitHub provides features to explore and view the repo in a much cleaner way. And, overall, a non-product dependency is removed.

If this inhibits your workflow, please let me know. I'd like to find a good balance. To me, the CMS features are tangential to the mindmap. I'd like to keep the repo concise and meaningful, especially as we get into layering in features.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


This is a very good discussion. I'm enjoying it. Will try to reply in detail tomorrow.'

afomi commented 6 years ago

Per conversation, we will leave PushMe/PullYou in place for generative feature exploration and development. For the integrative product work, I have started a build in the /build folder. It is available to view here


I have created an Issue to track the rest of this work