opentelekomcloud / python-otcextensions

Extension of the OpenStackSDK && OpenStackClient with OpenTelekomCloud services
Apache License 2.0
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Using the IAM service proxy #445

Open aliuly opened 2 days ago

aliuly commented 2 days ago


I am trying to use the IAM service proxy so I created an user with Full Admin permissions. On the web-console, I can login as that user and I am able to create projects, groups and users, as well as assign roles to groups.

When I tried to using the IAM API, a lot of the calls had permission errors or some other obscure error.

Refer to this simple script:

import openstack
# ~ openstack.enable_logging(True)
cc = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

# This is broken
for i in cc.identity.policies():

# This fails with permission denied
for i in cc.identity.groups():

# This fails with permission denied
for i in cc.identity.roles():

# This fails with permission denied
for i in cc.identity.users():

# This fails with permission denied
for i in cc.identity.agencies():

# This is OK
for i in cc.identity.projects():
  print('{id} {name:16} {description}'.format(**i))

#  This is OK
for i in
  print('{id} {name:16} {type}'.format(**i))

# This is OK
for i in cc.identity.regions():