opentelekomcloud / vault-plugin-secrets-openstack

Create OpenStack tokens using HashiCorp Vault
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 6 forks source link

error creating provider client: Authentication failed #109

Open anpolychrono opened 1 year ago

anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

Hi ,

I would like to test your plugin but it looks like I can't Authenticate with the Openstack cloud, could you please double check my config ?

The plugin installation worked but then the request new token failed.

Here is what I have configured:

# Cloud credentials
vault write /openstack/clouds/patras5g auth_url=http://*.*.*.*:5000/v3/ username=admin password=***** user_domain_name=Default

# temporary user token
vault write /openstack/roles/role-tmp-user cloud=patras5g project_name=project-01 domain_name=Default root=false secret_type=token
localadmin@admin-vault-9179230b-34f1-1316-1304-816d35d7ef03:~$ vault read /openstack/clouds/patras5g
Key                  Value
---                  -----
auth_url             http://*.*.*.*:5000/v3/
password_policy      n/a
user_domain_name     Default
username             admin
username_template    vault{{random 8 | lowercase}}
localadmin@admin-vault-9179230b-34f1-1316-1304-816d35d7ef03:~$ vault read /openstack/roles/role-tmp-user
Key             Value
---             -----
cloud           patras5g
domain_id       n/a
domain_name     Default
extensions      <nil>
project_id      n/a
project_name    project-01
root            false
secret_type     token
ttl             1h
user_groups     <nil>
user_roles      <nil>
localadmin@admin-vault-9179230b-34f1-1316-1304-816d35d7ef03:~$ vault read /openstack/creds/role-tmp-user
Error reading openstack/creds/role-tmp-user: Error making API request.

URL: GET http://*.*.*.*:8200/v1/openstack/creds/role-tmp-user
Code: 500. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
        * error creating provider client: Authentication failed

When trying to issue a token from cli it works:

$ openstack --os-project-name="project-01" token issue
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| expires    | 2022-10-10T09:29:01+0000                                                                                                                                                                |
| id         | gAAAAABjQ9fNYZCXsTwkAlOb0MrUQ5bHriSPI44kxQrB92sVvTiDTQrwIDr9wzpRFlDf0eaT49VVKTMLCKAbgUGWEt7I4Jcq7jnLwIu5P32iBczjGJ2ojYlJeP3Vfjyxtj54TuZ7i6xe98NoZFg1N0kA1fc8dxiWChJVknVPER-nsiFCdTBfzrw |
| project_id | 29a5a3c099834d5ba180ce1591f3599c                                                                                                                                                        |
| user_id    | 53ceb04136004295b2e8b7383576b98e                                                                                                                                                        |

Let me know if anything else is needed.

lego963 commented 1 year ago

@anpolychrono can you provide plugin version?

anpolychrono commented 1 year ago


gtema commented 1 year ago

lego963 - some openstack installatiions require project_domain_id/name to be explicitly set once authorizing. Do we have this done?

lego963 commented 1 year ago

@gtema issue is here

    opts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{
        IdentityEndpoint: cloud.AuthURL,
        Username:         cloud.Username,
        Password:         cloud.Password,
        DomainName:       cloud.UserDomainName,
        Scope: &gophercloud.AuthScope{
            DomainName: cloud.UserDomainName,

    pClient, err := openstack.AuthenticatedClient(opts)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error creating provider client: %w", err)

As I can see we don't use project_domain_*, need to have a research here.

anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

Is there WA for now ?

lego963 commented 1 year ago

@anpolychrono what do you mean by WA?

anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

WA == Work Around, for example if there is a config I can apply to bypass this issue.

lego963 commented 1 year ago

@anpolychrono for now I can't give you any hint. Can you provide clouds.yaml entry or env vars for this cmd? hide creds :) (if it's possible)

$ openstack --os-project-name="project-01" token issue
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| expires    | 2022-10-10T09:29:01+0000                                                                                                                                                                |
| id         | gAAAAABjQ9fNYZCXsTwkAlOb0MrUQ5bHriSPI44kxQrB92sVvTiDTQrwIDr9wzpRFlDf0eaT49VVKTMLCKAbgUGWEt7I4Jcq7jnLwIu5P32iBczjGJ2ojYlJeP3Vfjyxtj54TuZ7i6xe98NoZFg1N0kA1fc8dxiWChJVknVPER-nsiFCdTBfzrw |
| project_id | 29a5a3c099834d5ba180ce1591f3599c                                                                                                                                                        |
| user_id    | 53ceb04136004295b2e8b7383576b98e                                                                                                                                                        |
anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

Sure here you are:

~$ cat ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
      auth_url: http://*.*.*.*:5000/v3/
      username: "admin"
      project_id: 29a5a3c099834d5ba180ce1591f3599c
      project_name: "project-01"
      user_domain_name: "Default"
    region_name: "RegionOne"
    interface: "public"
    identity_api_version: 3

Example cli :

openstack --os-cloud=openstack token issue
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| expires    | 2022-10-10T14:38:56+0000                                                                                                                                                                |
| id         | gAAAAABjRCBwJkvkCNsA6wnDHvXv_3-PFN47dKu9OOS9S2ayFaYQG1FwGZgwNgyunzFDeW9pdyz8s1uRhAsvH3DtWs_4SV3HgxFMI7ILXQXQrioP0-vwq9LTuO9H2lAe4iNp6rAKu02xl_5YgRqewerwer4rmOrY7NQ2Mj70Qdcam-tjpfe7M1Ul9oX9zHQ |
| project_id | 29a5a3c099834d5ba180ce1591f3599c                                                                                                                                                        |
| user_id    | 53ceb04136004295b2efefefs8b7383576b98e                                                                                                                                                        |
artem-lifshits commented 1 year ago

Hello @anpolychrono I've updated vault with more detailed error messages, could you try again on the newer version of vault? Thanks!

anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

Hello @artem-lifshits see below the error:

vault secrets enable \
 -path="openstack" \
 -plugin-name="vault-plugin-secrets-openstack" plugin
vault write /openstack/clouds/patras5g-cloud1 \
 auth_url= \
 username="******" \
 password="******" \
vault write /openstack/roles/patras5g-role1 \
 cloud="patras5g-cloud1" \
 project_name="apolychrono_upatras" \
 domain_name="Default" \
 user_roles="member" \

Error getting in the last command:

Error writing data to openstack/roles/patras5g-role1: Error making API request.

Code: 401. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
        * error creating provider client: Authentication failed
 {"error": {"message": "The request you have made requires authentication.", "code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized"}}

When defining admin credentials for the cloud I am using the same credentials from the clouds.yaml

$ openstack --os-project-name="apolychrono_upatras" token issue --os-cloud=openstack
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| expires    | 2022-12-08T10:35:48+0000                                                                                                                                                                |
| id         | gAAAAABjka_0-Lzj6skNAs1Yr5TVc3rFpnbHLkZ45fZj483thrwN6VwwtQwn8q6PEPX5W6ku2TJUWK7WPQPoXz9osfKeSCx3OiDtdFKKJ5y-hpjgu07OU2f4Dh6q4Q7S9si20m0ASdg2-IJ7JqrsdtVYGlwlm5Qub1pZ4AhAjh_koU5lmmaP7j4 |
| project_id | f7543f8938484d1cb83c132128ff77c7                                                                                                                                                        |
| user_id    | 53ceb04136004295b2e8b7383576b98e                                                                                                                                                        |
anpolychrono commented 1 year ago

Adding also the payload from the POST request during authentication:

POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: gophercloud/2.0.0
Content-Length: 168
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
lego963 commented 1 year ago

@anpolychrono here

$ openstack --os-project-name="apolychrono_upatras" token issue --os-cloud=openstack

you request token for the admin user. Am I right? If yes, can you try to create a role with the next lines?

 domain_name="Default" \ // drop it
 user_roles="member" \   // drop it
 root=true              // set to true
anpolychrono commented 1 year ago


Yes you are right it is for the admin user.

vault write /openstack/roles/patras5g-role1  cloud="patras5g-cloud1"  project_name="apolychrono_upatras"  root=true
Success! Data written to: openstack/roles/patras5g-role1 

However the token creation fails:

vault read /openstack/creds/patras5g-role1
Error reading openstack/creds/patras5g-role1: Error making API request.

Code: 409. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
        * error creating provider client: Authentication failed
 {"error": {"message": "The request you have made requires authentication.", "code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized"}}