opentensor / developer-docs

Developer documentation for Bittensor.
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Add TAO cost information in the subnet template tutorial docs. #328

Open rajkaramchedu opened 2 months ago

rajkaramchedu commented 2 months ago

@galina-opentensor can you please add the text versions of the screenshots you shared in our Discord dm? Thanks!

galina-opentensor commented 2 months ago

~/repos/bittensor master ?1 ❯ btcli subnet create owner --subtensor.chain_endpoint ws:// 
Your balance is: τ9,000.000000000
Do you want to register a subnet for τ1,000.000000000? [y/n]: n

~/repos/bittensor master ?1 ❯                                                                                  
btcli subnet register validator --wallet.hotkey default --subtensor.chain_endpoint ws://
Enter netuid [0/1/3] (0): 1
Your balance is: τ15,000.000000000
The cost to register by recycle is τ0.002795542
Do you want to continue? [y/n] (n): y
Enter password to unlock key: 
Recycle τ0.002753605 to register on subnet:1? [y/n]: y
📡 Checking Balance...
  τ15,000.000000000 ➡ τ14,999.997246395
✅ Registered

~/repos/bittensor master ?1 ❯ btcli root register validator --wallet.hotkey default --subtensor.chain_endpoint ws://
Enter password to unlock key: 
Register to root network? [y/n]: y
✅ Registered

~/repos/bittensor master ?1 ❯ btcli root boost --netuid 1 --increase 1 validator --wallet.hotkey default --subtensor.chain_endpoint ws://
Boosting weight for netuid 1 from 0.0 -> 1.0
Setting root weights...
Enter password to unlock key: 
Raw Weights -> Normalized weights: 
        [0. 1. 0.] -> 
        [0. 1. 0.]
Do you want to set the following root weights?:
  weights: [0. 1. 0.]
  uids: [0 1 2]? [y/n]: y
2024-07-17 13:08:19.601 |     WARNING      | {'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Transaction has a bad signature'} - %s, retrying in %s seconds... - 2
True Successfully set weights.
✅ Finalized```